Clinical Experience and Performance Dashboard Walkthrough

Clinical Experience and Performance Dashboard Walkthrough

This section provides details on the visualizations available in the Clinical Experience and Performance solution.

Visualizations Available


User Story: As a user in a program administration personnel role, I want to view a summary of candidate ratings for the Teacher Work Sample evaluation by objective. The possible ratings that candidates can receive on this evaluation are Improvement Needed, Developing, and Proficient. I would like to see the percentage for each rating type by evaluation. I would also like to see a detailed view of the demographic distribution of candidates that were evaluated using the Teacher Work Sample evaluation.

Report View: The Evaluation page includes 5 visuals. The 3 visuals on the left look at the number of evaluated candidates by race, sex, and certification status. 

These 3 visuals also serve as filters for the entire Evaluation page. For example, clicking on Certified in the Number of Candidates by Certification Status highlights all of the other visuals on the page by showing the details of candidates that are certified. 

The visual on the top right (Rating by Objective) of the Evaluation page, shows the percentage of candidate evaluation ratings by objective. This visual can also be used as a filter for other visuals on the page. For example, clicking on the Improvement Needed rating within the visual, filters all visuals for this Rating. 

Finally, the table visual on the bottom right of the Evaluation page, shows the average of Rating by Objective then by Element.

Evaluation Detail

User StoryAs a program administrator, I want to see a summarized evaluation rating for all candidates as well as each candidate's rating by evaluation objectives and elements. 

Report View: The Evaluation Detail page includes 2 visuals.

The visual on the left (Average of Rating by Objective) of the Evaluation Detail page, provides a summarized view of the average or Rating broken down by Rating description. 

The visual on the right of the Evaluation Detail page, provides a more detailed view of each candidate rating by Objective, then by Element. If there is more than one evaluation for that candidate, the average rating will be provided. Additionally, the Evaluation Date filter allows for viewing only those evaluations completed within a given timeframe. The Evaluation Detail page also includes a candidate filter that allows filtering for a specific candidate.


User StoryAs a user in a program administration personnel role, I want to be able to view the summary of responses by candidates who completed a self-report survey (i.e., Completer/Exit Survey) to better understand their perceptions of the program experience. I also would like to be able to drill down by cohort, program, and demographic information.

Report View: The Survey page includes 1 visual. 

Unique filtering capabilities for this visual include section (portions within a survey or related survey questions) and response date (survey completion).