Student Equity Dashboard Walkthrough

Student Equity Dashboard Walkthrough

This Starter Kit includes data visualizations for administrative staff. The dashboard helps administration answer the question “Do my students have equitable access to academic programs, experienced teachers, educational outcomes, and discipline outcomes?"

The visualizations present academic programs, experienced teachers, educational outcomes, and discipline outcome data for students. Each visualization allows administrators to see varying student populations within their district, whether they have access to each of these areas of investigation, and how those student populations compare to other student populations.

The dashboard is powered by data via certified API connections using data provided by your Student Information System (SIS).

Use Case: As a District Administrator, I want to see that all my students have equitable access to academic programs, experienced teachers, educational outcomes, and discipline outcomes so that I can address any inequity among the student population.

Log in to the dashboard with an administrator role. The screenshots below are for David Wilson, Superintendent at Grand Bend ISD.

Academic Programs

The academic program report shows all the academic programs in your district and counts the students that are part of that academic program. You can group the report to see how student counts compare to other student populations. There are also filtering options to see how a specific group of students are represented within the academic programs.

Selecting a bar on the chart will highlight those students in the lower student section.


The teacher report shows the average teacher performance or average teaching tenure for the teachers teaching each student population. You can group the report to see how student counts compare to other student populations. There are also filtering options to see how a specific group of students has access to experienced and tenured teachers. Changing between average tenure and average performance can be done by selecting the top right dropdown found on the chart.

Selecting a bar on the chart will highlight those students in the lower student section.

Discipline Outcomes

The discipline outcomes report shows the discipline outcomes for each student population. You can group the report to see how student counts compare to other student populations. There are also filtering options to see how a specific group of students are represented within the discipline outcomes.

Selecting a bar on the chart will highlight those students in the lower student section.