Chronic Absenteeism Demonstration Guide

Chronic Absenteeism Demonstration Guide

The Chronic Absenteeism demonstration site provides you with the ability to login to a published and working version of the dashboard. This published demonstration site will let explore the dashboard before you set it up yourself.

Connecting to the Online Dashboard

URL: Chronic Absenteeism Starter Kit Dashboard

The screen capture at right shows the kinds of attendance and absenteeism data available in the dashboard.

Using Sample User Role Credentials

Upon clicking on the link to the demonstration site, you will be asked to login to Power BI Online. Please use one of the sample user accounts listed below.

NOTE: If you are already logged in as your work or domain account you will need to log out and log back in with one of the accounts provided below.

The password for all accounts is: Ed-Fi!sCool

Sample User RoleNameEmail/Username
Superintendent at Grand Bend ISDDavid Wilsondwilson@edfidev.onmicrosoft.com
Principal at Grand Bend HighAlisa Cameronacameron@edfidev.onmicrosoft.com
Principal at Grand Bend MiddleMarjorie Montoyammontoya@edfidev.onmicrosoft.com
Principal at Grand Bend ElementaryChadwick Garnercgarner@edfidev.onmicrosoft.com
Teacher at Grand Bend ElementaryJanet Reidjreid@edfidev.onmicrosoft.com
Teacher at Grand Bend HighRussell Gomezrgomez@edfidev.onmicrosoft.com
Teacher at Grand Bend HighSara Prestonspreston@edfidev.onmicrosoft.com
Teacher at Grand Bend HighTrent Newtontnewton@edfidev.onmicrosoft.com

Exploring the Dashboard

Follow the user stories and guidance described in: Chronic Absenteeism Dashboard Walkthrough to emulate using the tool as different user roles would within a school or district.