Platform Dev Guide - Features

The Ed-Fi ODS / API comes with a set of configurable features that can be enabled or disabled using configuration settings in deployed API. This section contains additional reference documentation for these configurable features.

FeatureIs Enabled by DefaultDescription
changeQueriestrueThe Changed Record Queries feature can be enabled or disabled via configuration. Database configuration remains a separate step, see Using the Changed Record Queries.
openApiMetadatatrueThe metadata API endpoint used by Swagger UI can be enabled or disabled via configuration. It is recommend for Production deployments to disable this.
compositestrueThe Composites API endpoints can be enabled or disabled via configuration. This includes the default Enrollments composite and any custom composites that have been added to the platform.
profilestrueThe Profiles feature can be enabled or disabled via configuration. 
identityManagementfalseEnables the Identity API endpoints.
extensionstrueEnables the API endpoints created for all Extensions. Installations can be extended by modifying source code see How To: Extend the Ed-Fi ODS / API - Alternative Education Program Example or by deploying dynamic extension plugins see How To: Deploy an Extension Plugin for details.
uniqueIdValidationfalseEnables Unique ID Validation. This requires custom implementation of IUniqueIdToIdValueMapper and its registration within the WebApi. 
tokenInfotrueEnables oauth token_info introspective endpoint which provides the additional security configuration information for the token. See Token Info section for mode details.


Developers' Guide Contents

Find out more about how to develop platforms based on the Ed-Fi ODS / API: