How To: Add Profiles to the Ed-Fi ODS / API

How To: Add Profiles to the Ed-Fi ODS / API

This example outlines the steps necessary to integrate and activate Ed-Fi Profile definitions for use in an Ed-Fi ODS / API. To be able to update profile definitions at run-time without rebuild and redeployment, it is preferred to configure profile definitions in the EdFi_Admin database. Alternatively, you can define profile via embedded resource in a C# project as described in Appendix A.

Step 1. Add Profiles via the EdFi_Admin Database

API Profiles can be configured and assigned through the EdFi_Admin database. This database stores the data required to manage API keys and secrets, Education Organizations, Profile assignments, and Profile definitions. 

The tables related to this process are shown below.

API Profiles can be directly inserted into the Profiles table and then assigned to Applications via the ProfileApplications table. When making changes in the Profiles table, be aware that only one Profile can be stored per row. As such, the XML in the ProfileDefintion column should use <Profile> as the root element rather than the <Profiles> root element defined in the Ed-Fi-ODS-API-Profiles.xsd.

The screenshot below shows examples of Profiles defined in the EdFi_Admin Profiles table.

The XML schema of API Profile definitions can be validated using the schema definition file included in the Ed-Fi-ODS repository at Ed-Fi-ODS\Application\EdFi.Ods.Common\Metadata\Schemas\Ed-Fi-ODS-API-Profiles.xsd.

Profiles in the EdFi_Admin database are refreshed dynamically by the Ed-Fi ODS / API each time the profiles cache expires. The expiration time for the  profiles cache can be adjusted in the appsettings.json file, as shown below.

 "Caching": {
            "Profiles": {
                "AbsoluteExpirationSeconds": 1800

Step 2. Verify that the API Profiles feature is enabled

Ensure that the API Profiles feature is enabled by looking at the appsettings.json file in the WebApi project, which can be found under the “Entry Points” folder in the solution. 

"Features": [
                "Name": "Profiles",
                "IsEnabled": true

Step 3. Verify that the Profile endpoints are visible

Verify that the new Profile endpoints are visible in the swagger or via metadata endpoint.

You may have to clear your browser cache in order for Swagger UI to display the new resource.

Step 4. Confirm Profile Settings

Profile settings are flexible. With this flexibility comes some complexity — so platform hosts will want to confirm that the deployed API Profiles behave as expected, exposing exactly the right resources. This can be done manually or using an SDK created by code generation techniques.

Appendix A: Adding Profiles Using the Visual Studio Profiles Project Template

An alternative method for adding API Profiles to an ODS / API is using the Visual Studio Profiles Project Template to add a Profiles Project to the ODS / API solution. When a Profiles Project is used, the profile definitions are added to the Profiles Project, stored as an embedded resource when the project is built, and then the ODS / API reads and applies the Profiles definitions in that embedded resource at runtime. The assumption is that the Ed-Fi ODS / API has been successfully set up and is running in a local environment per the instructions in the Getting Started documentation.

Detail on each step follows.

Step 1. Create the Profiles Project

Add a Profiles Project Using the Visual Studio Project Template. Visual Studio Project Template can be installed by following steps in Project Templates Installation section of this documentation.

  1. Add the Profiles project, right-click on the "Profiles" folder and select File > Add > New Project... 
  2. In the "Add New Project" dialog, find and select the "Ed-Fi API Profiles Project Template" entry as shown below. Click Next.
  3. Enter the project name for the new project and click Create. The suggested naming convention for this type of project is something like EdFi.Ods.Profiles.MyProfiles.

  4. Review and modify Profiles.xml file. The Visual Studio Project Template creates a sample Profiles.xml file. You should open it and modify it to meet the needs of your Profile. Consult API Profiles for guidance.
  5. Save the Project.

Step 2. Integrate Profiles into the Solution

To integrate the Profiles into the solution, add a reference to the Profiles project you constructed in the previous step in the EdFi.Ods.WebApi project (located in the "Entry Points" folder).

Step 3. Rebuild the Solution and Verify Changes 

Clean and then rebuild the ODS Visual Studio Solution. This can be done through the Visual Studio or in PowerShell by running Initialize-PowershellForDevelopment.ps script followed by Invoke-RebuildSolution. Then run the application and view the Ed-Fi ODS / API using Swagger.

When the API is initialized, the names of the Profiles configured into the API will be published to the Profiles table in the EdFi_Admin database. This process performs one-way publishing and will not remove existing Profile names that are no longer contained within the API configuration. Profiles added to the Ed-Fi Visual Studio Solution using the Profiles Visual Studio Project Template will have their name published in the EdFi_Admin dabase, but the ProfileDefinition column in the profiles table remains empty because the XML definition for the profile is provided as an embedded resource. Only Profiles configured directly in the EdFi_Admin database have their definitions stored in the ProfileDefiniton column.


The following GitHub link contains source files for this Profile sample:

Profile Source Files

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