How To: Configure Key / Secret
How To: Configure Key / Secret
Ian Christopher (Deactivated)
Owned by Ian Christopher (Deactivated)
Oct 06, 2022
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API keys and secrets can be administered by the Admin App or Sandbox Admin App, but some implementers may prefer to work directly with the data. The SQL queries on this page enable a database administrator to create keys and secrets. These queries run against the EdFi_Admin database.
You should replace the values for variables with values you desire.
DECLARE @VendorName nvarchar(150) = 'Local Test Vendor' DECLARE @NamespacePrefix nvarchar (255) = 'uri://ed-fi.org' DECLARE @UserFullName varchar(150) = 'Local Test User' DECLARE @UserEmailAddress varchar(150) = 'localtest@ed-fi.org' DECLARE @ApplicationName nvarchar(255) = 'Local Test Application' DECLARE @ClaimSetName nvarchar(255) = 'SIS Vendor' DECLARE @ApiClientName nvarchar(50) = 'Local Test Api Client' DECLARE @EducationOrganizationId int = 255901 --Must be an ed-org in the ODS DECLARE @Key nvarchar(50) = 'testkey' DECLARE @Secret nvarchar(100) = 'testsecret' DECLARE @IsPopulatedSandbox bit = 1 -- For Shared/YearSpecific/DistrictSpecific DECLARE @UseSandbox bit = 0 -- For Sandbox --DECLARE @UseSandbox bit = 1 DECLARE @VendorId int DECLARE @UserId int DECLARE @ApplicationId int DECLARE @ApplicationEducationOrganizationId int DECLARE @ApiClientId int -- Clear @IsPopulatedSandbox if not using sandbox IF (@UseSandbox = 0) SET @IsPopulatedSandbox = 0 -- Ensure Vendor exists SELECT @VendorId = VendorId FROM [dbo].[Vendors] WHERE VendorName = @VendorName IF(@VendorId IS NULL) BEGIN INSERT INTO [dbo].[Vendors] (VendorName) VALUES (@VendorName) SET @VendorId = SCOPE_IDENTITY() END -- Ensure correct namespace prefixes are set up DELETE FROM [dbo].[VendorNamespacePrefixes] WHERE Vendor_VendorId = @VendorId INSERT INTO [dbo].[VendorNamespacePrefixes] (Vendor_VendorId, NamespacePrefix) VALUES (@VendorId, @NamespacePrefix) -- Ensure User exists for test Vendor SELECT @UserId = UserId FROM [dbo].[Users] WHERE FullName = @UserFullName AND Vendor_VendorId = @VendorId IF(@UserId IS NULL) BEGIN INSERT INTO [dbo].[Users] (Email, FullName, Vendor_VendorId) VALUES (@UserEmailAddress, @UserFullName, @VendorId) SET @UserId = SCOPE_IDENTITY() END ELSE BEGIN UPDATE [dbo].[Users] SET Email = @UserEmailAddress WHERE UserId = @UserId END -- Ensure Application exists SELECT @ApplicationId = ApplicationId FROM [dbo].[Applications] WHERE ApplicationName = @ApplicationName AND Vendor_VendorId = @VendorId IF (@ApplicationId IS NULL) BEGIN INSERT INTO [dbo].[Applications] (ApplicationName, Vendor_VendorId, ClaimSetName) VALUES (@ApplicationName, @VendorId, @ClaimSetName) SET @ApplicationId = SCOPE_IDENTITY() END ELSE BEGIN UPDATE [dbo].[Applications] SET ClaimSetName = @ClaimSetName WHERE ApplicationId = @ApplicationId END -- Ensure ApiClient exists SELECT @ApiClientId = ApiClientId FROM [dbo].[ApiClients] WHERE Application_ApplicationId = @ApplicationId AND [Name] = @ApiClientName IF(@ApiClientId IS NULL) BEGIN INSERT INTO [dbo].[ApiClients] ([Key], [Secret], [Name], IsApproved, UseSandbox, SandboxType, Application_ApplicationId, User_UserId, SecretIsHashed) VALUES (@Key, @Secret, @ApiClientName, 1, @UseSandbox, @IsPopulatedSandbox, @ApplicationId, @UserId, 0) SET @ApiClientId = SCOPE_IDENTITY() END ELSE BEGIN UPDATE [dbo].[ApiClients] SET [Key] = @Key, [Secret] = @Secret, UseSandbox = @UseSandbox, SandboxType = @IsPopulatedSandbox, User_UserId = @UserId, SecretIsHashed = 0 WHERE ApiClientId = @ApiClientId END IF (@EducationOrganizationId IS NOT NULL) BEGIN -- Clear all education organization links for the selected application DELETE acaeo FROM dbo.ApiClientApplicationEducationOrganizations acaeo INNER JOIN dbo.ApplicationEducationOrganizations aeo ON acaeo.ApplicationEducationOrganization_ApplicationEducationOrganizationId = aeo.ApplicationEducationOrganizationId WHERE aeo.Application_ApplicationId = @ApplicationId DELETE FROM [dbo].[ApplicationEducationOrganizations] WHERE Application_ApplicationId = @ApplicationId -- Ensure correct education organizations are set up INSERT INTO [dbo].[ApplicationEducationOrganizations] (EducationOrganizationId, Application_ApplicationId) VALUES (@EducationOrganizationId, @ApplicationId) SELECT @ApplicationEducationOrganizationId = SCOPE_IDENTITY() INSERT INTO [dbo].[ApiClientApplicationEducationOrganizations] (ApplicationEducationOrganization_ApplicationEducationOrganizationId, ApiClient_ApiClientId) VALUES (@ApplicationEducationOrganizationId, @ApiClientId) END
API client creation script samples:
SQL Server Script: SetupApiClient_SQLServer.sql
PostgreSQL Script: SetupApiClient_PostgreSQL.sql
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