A newer version of the Ed-Fi ODS / API is now available. See the Ed-Fi Technology Version Index for a link to the latest version.

Error Handling & Best Practices

This section describes error handling and integration best practices of note to Ed-Fi ODS / API client developers.

Error Handling

Proper API error response handling is a feature critical to the sustainability and scalability of a robust and efficient Ed-Fi ODS / API Client. Education technology software that has an integrated API client should plan to develop tools and processes in that software to handle errors programmatically when possible and a workflow and tools for the appropriate system user to review and resolve errors received from the API.

Authorization Errors

Many API response errors can be attributed to the relationship-based authorization strategy of the Ed-Fi API. The most common issue is that a client may not be able to perform other operations on a resource it has written until a relationship has been established between that resource and an education organization to which the client has access. For example, a client cannot edit a student record it has created until an enrollment record has established.

Blind Error Message Resending

Unless an error response is truly transient, it is usually not sufficient to save the originating request and simply retry the request again at some future point. Generally, some intervention or process must be performed on the request or the underlying request data. A robust client should include logic that can determine if the error is rectifiable solely through programmatic means or if the error needs to be surfaced to a system admin or data steward. Client systems will also typically include tools for a system administrator or data steward to resolve the error case issue.

Excessive Syncing

Excessive syncing of a client system to an Ed-Fi API should be avoided. Circumstances may arise that call for a re-sync to the Ed-Fi API. However, a preset, short time window scheduled (e.g., daily) re-sync can increase error responses from the Ed-Fi API.

Best Practices

The Ed-Fi Alliance, through field experience, have developed additional best practices. These best practices are some features and capabilities that an API client considers when designing the Ed-Fi API client in the software system. Plan for Multiple API Integrations. Some API clients initially built Ed-Fi integrations assuming a single integration (often with an SEA). But, increasingly, LEAs are asking for integration as well, resulting in two separate API integrations. Theoretically, even more integrations are possible (though probably of a smaller scope of data – see the next item below). Plan to Configure API Resources Per API Integration. A state or district integration may only want a fraction of the API resources, so plan for the ability to “turn off” unused/un-requested API resources. In some cases, over-sharing is even against state or local policy.

Plan for Transactional and Bulk Updates

The field expectation is increasingly that data lands quickly in the API after the data is added or updated in a source system (i.e., a transactional near-real-time system of record). However, in some cases, data in the system can get out of sync with data in the API. In such cases, the ability to send bulk data can be critical. Such bulk updates are also critical if a LEA starts using the API or system mid year. However, be aware of "Excessive Syncing" mentioned above.

With that out of the way, let's look at how to use code generation to create an SDK. The next section has details.