A newer version of the Ed-Fi ODS / API is now available. See the Ed-Fi Technology Version Index for a link to the latest version.

Running the Postman Integration Tests

The Ed-Fi ODS / API includes several collections of Postman tests that can be executed against a Test Harness included in the ODS / API source code.

The following instructions assume that the Ed-Fi ODS / API has been successfully set up and is running in a local environment per the instructions in the Getting Started documentation. This documentation takes you through running two options for running postman test collections:

Running Postman Test Collections via PowerShell

  1. Install NVM, for windows systems you could use nvm for Windows
  2. As outlined in the Getting Started Guide from a PowerShell prompt run Initialize-PowershellForDevelopment.ps script followed by Invoke-PostmanIntegrationTests
  3. Test results are presented as the tests run 

Running Postman Test Collections via Postman

  1. Install and launch Postman.
  2. Run the EdFi.Ods.Api.IntegrationTestHarness project from the ODS solution. This will create the Postman Environment file required for the tests to run.
    1.  Update the launch settings to appropriate configuration for your local repository. 
    2. Run the EdFi.Ods.Api.IntegrationTestHarness project. Test Harness will create test API clients in the EdFi_Admin_Test database, create a Postman environment file and run a test API instance for the Postman tests to interact with. 
    3. After the test harness is running, import the generated environment file located at ~Ed-Fi-ODS-Implementation\logistics\scripts\modules

    4. Ensure the environment is selected on the to right corner of Postman window.

  3. Locate (or download) the Ed-Fi ODS Integration Test Suite collections from the Ed-Fi-ODS GitHub repository. See the reference section on the right for GitHub link. 

  4. Import one or more of the collections into Postman using the Import function located in the upper left corner of the Postman window.
  5. Run the tests using the Collection Runner.

  6. Monitor test execution and review the test results.

The following GitHub link contains postman collection source:

Postman Test Suite

The postman test harness configuration and environment file will be generated in the following GitHub location:

Test Harness Configuration and Environment