How To: Configure Key / Secret
A newer version of the Ed-Fi ODS / API is now available. See the Ed-Fi Technology Version Index for a link to the latest version.
How To: Configure Key / Secret
- Ian Christopher (Deactivated)
Owned by Ian Christopher (Deactivated)
Aug 17, 2020
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The API key/secrets can be administered by Admin App or Sandbox Admin App, however the SQL queries on this page enable a database administrator to create key / secrets. Execute the queries from the EdFi_Admin database.
You should replace the values for variables with values you desire.
DECLARE @VendorName nvarchar(150) = 'Local Test Vendor' DECLARE @NamespacePrefix nvarchar (255) = 'uri://ed-fi.org' DECLARE @UserFullName varchar(150) = 'Local Test User' DECLARE @UserEmailAddress varchar(150) = 'localtest@ed-fi.org' DECLARE @ApplicationName nvarchar(255) = 'Local Test Application' DECLARE @ClaimSetName nvarchar(255) = 'SIS Vendor' DECLARE @ApiClientName nvarchar(50) = 'Local Test Api Client' DECLARE @EducationOrganizationId int = 255901 --Must be an ed-org in the ODS DECLARE @Key nvarchar(50) = 'testkey' DECLARE @Secret nvarchar(100) = 'testsecret' DECLARE @IsPopulatedSandbox bit = 1 -- For Shared/YearSpecific/DistrictSpecific DECLARE @UseSandbox bit = 0 -- For Sandbox --DECLARE @UseSandbox bit = 1 DECLARE @VendorId int DECLARE @UserId int DECLARE @ApplicationId int DECLARE @ApplicationEducationOrganizationId int DECLARE @ApiClientId int -- Clear @IsPopulatedSandbox if not using sandbox IF (@UseSandbox = 0) SET @IsPopulatedSandbox = 0 -- Ensure Vendor exists SELECT @VendorId = VendorId FROM [dbo].[Vendors] WHERE VendorName = @VendorName IF(@VendorId IS NULL) BEGIN INSERT INTO [dbo].[Vendors] (VendorName) VALUES (@VendorName) SET @VendorId = SCOPE_IDENTITY() END -- Ensure correct namespace prefixes are set up DELETE FROM [dbo].[VendorNamespacePrefixes] WHERE Vendor_VendorId = @VendorId INSERT INTO [dbo].[VendorNamespacePrefixes] (Vendor_VendorId, NamespacePrefix) VALUES (@VendorId, @NamespacePrefix) -- Ensure User exists for test Vendor SELECT @UserId = UserId FROM [dbo].[Users] WHERE FullName = @UserFullName AND Vendor_VendorId = @VendorId IF(@UserId IS NULL) BEGIN INSERT INTO [dbo].[Users] (Email, FullName, Vendor_VendorId) VALUES (@UserEmailAddress, @UserFullName, @VendorId) SET @UserId = SCOPE_IDENTITY() END ELSE BEGIN UPDATE [dbo].[Users] SET Email = @UserEmailAddress WHERE UserId = @UserId END -- Ensure Application exists SELECT @ApplicationId = ApplicationId FROM [dbo].[Applications] WHERE ApplicationName = @ApplicationName AND Vendor_VendorId = @VendorId IF (@ApplicationId IS NULL) BEGIN INSERT INTO [dbo].[Applications] (ApplicationName, Vendor_VendorId, ClaimSetName) VALUES (@ApplicationName, @VendorId, @ClaimSetName) SET @ApplicationId = SCOPE_IDENTITY() END ELSE BEGIN UPDATE [dbo].[Applications] SET ClaimSetName = @ClaimSetName WHERE ApplicationId = @ApplicationId END -- Ensure ApiClient exists SELECT @ApiClientId = ApiClientId FROM [dbo].[ApiClients] WHERE Application_ApplicationId = @ApplicationId AND [Name] = @ApiClientName IF(@ApiClientId IS NULL) BEGIN INSERT INTO [dbo].[ApiClients] ([Key], [Secret], [Name], IsApproved, UseSandbox, SandboxType, Application_ApplicationId, User_UserId, SecretIsHashed) VALUES (@Key, @Secret, @ApiClientName, 1, @UseSandbox, @IsPopulatedSandbox, @ApplicationId, @UserId, 0) SET @ApiClientId = SCOPE_IDENTITY() END ELSE BEGIN UPDATE [dbo].[ApiClients] SET [Key] = @Key, [Secret] = @Secret, UseSandbox = @UseSandbox, SandboxType = @IsPopulatedSandbox, User_UserId = @UserId, SecretIsHashed = 0 WHERE ApiClientId = @ApiClientId END IF (@EducationOrganizationId IS NOT NULL) BEGIN -- Clear all education organization links for the selected application DELETE acaeo FROM dbo.ApiClientApplicationEducationOrganizations acaeo INNER JOIN dbo.ApplicationEducationOrganizations aeo ON acaeo.ApplicationEducationOrganization_ApplicationEducationOrganizationId = aeo.ApplicationEducationOrganizationId WHERE aeo.Application_ApplicationId = @ApplicationId DELETE FROM [dbo].[ApplicationEducationOrganizations] WHERE Application_ApplicationId = @ApplicationId -- Ensure correct education organizations are set up INSERT INTO [dbo].[ApplicationEducationOrganizations] (EducationOrganizationId, Application_ApplicationId) VALUES (@EducationOrganizationId, @ApplicationId) SELECT @ApplicationEducationOrganizationId = SCOPE_IDENTITY() INSERT INTO [dbo].[ApiClientApplicationEducationOrganizations] (ApplicationEducationOrganization_ApplicationEducationOrganizationId, ApiClient_ApiClientId) VALUES (@ApplicationEducationOrganizationId, @ApiClientId) END
API client creation script samples:
SQL Server Script: SetupApiClient_SQLServer.sql
PostgreSQL Script: SetupApiClient_PostgreSQL.sql