This version of the Ed-Fi ODS / API is no longer supported. See the Ed-Fi Technology Version Index for a link to the latest version.


Updating Managed Descriptors for Previous Versions

The Ed-Fi Data Standard v3.1 introduced a change in Ed-Fi Managed Descriptors (i.e., the enumeration values that can be updated by vendor client systems). The new list of Managed Descriptors that ships with ODS / API v3.1 is:

  • AssessmentPeriodDescriptor
  • PerformanceLevelDescriptor
  • AccomodationDescriptor
  • AssessmentReportingMethodDescriptor

New ODS / API v3.1 implementations will be automatically configured with this change.

However, existing implementations of v3.0 may elect to update their security configurations to match this change using the following SQL script:

USE EdFi_Security;
DECLARE @systemDescriptorClaimId int;
DECLARE @managedDescriptorClaimId int;

SELECT @systemDescriptorClaimId = [ResourceClaimId] 
FROM [EdFi_Security].[dbo].[ResourceClaims] where ResourceName = 'systemDescriptors'

SELECT @managedDescriptorClaimId = [ResourceClaimId] 
FROM [EdFi_Security].[dbo].[ResourceClaims] where ResourceName = 'managedDescriptors'

UPDATE [EdFi_Security].[dbo].[ResourceClaims] 
SET ParentResourceClaimId = @systemDescriptorClaimId where ResourceName ='competencyLevelDescriptor' OR  ResourceName ='diagnosisDescriptor' 

UPDATE [EdFi_Security].[dbo].[ResourceClaims] 
SET ParentResourceClaimId = @managedDescriptorClaimId where ResourceName ='assessmentReportingMethodDescriptor'