This version of the Ed-Fi ODS / API is no longer supported. See the Ed-Fi Technology Version Index for a link to the latest version.


Getting Started - Appendix

Ed-Fi ODS / API Database Overview

The Ed-Fi ODS / API uses several databases for various aspects of the application and to store data for each sandbox. The table below summarizes the databases with a brief statement of the creation method and purpose.





SQL Scripts

An empty database used for code generation when building the solution.


SQL Scripts

A template database used to create empty sandboxes.


SQL Backup

A template database populated with sample data used to create sample data sandboxes.


Entity Framework Code First

A database that stores bulk upload files and tracking information.


Entity Framework Code First

A database containing administration configuration information specific to the ODS / API.

EdFi_SecurityEntity Framework Code FirstA database containing security configuration information.

In addition to these databases, copies of either the minimal or populated template databases are made for each sandbox in the environment.