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Starting with MetaEd v4.0, MetaEd runs on Visual Studio Code instead of Atom. We strongly recommend that everyone in the community move from the Atom-based version to this new one using Visual Studio Code. Existing users: please see MetaEd IDE - Upgrading to MetaEd 4.x.

MetaEd is a technology framework that uses an Ed-Fi-aligned domain specific language (DSL) to auto-generate software, database, and data standard artifacts.

The internal Ed-Fi Alliance team uses MetaEd to define and produce core components such as the Ed-Fi Standard Interchange Schema (XSD files), the Ed-Fi ODS (SQL Scripts), and technical documentation from a single source definition written in the MetaEd DSL.

A version of MetaEd called the MetaEd IDE supports the generation of Ed-Fi Extensions and all related artifacts. The MetaEd IDE is freely available to Ed-Fi community members.


Documentation for MetaEd is viewable online: