Intervention Domain - Overview
- Eric Jansson
Owned by Eric Jansson
Aug 09, 2022
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Key Entities
This domain contains:
- The InterventionPrescription entity, which describes an activity intended to address a specific problem or diagnosis. It identifies the kinds of students targeted and how the intervention should be delivered.
- The Intervention entity, which is a specific implementation of an instructional approach, outlined in an InterventionPrescription entity.
- A StudentInterventionAttendanceEvent entity which captures attendance and participation for interventions.
- A StudentInterventionAssociation entity, which links students to interventions in which they participate.
- Data about a formal InterventionStudy entity for an InterventionPrescription entity may also be associated with an InterventionPrescription.
Key Concepts
The key concepts include the following:
The InterventionPrescription entity is a course of action designated by appropriate personnel to remedy an academic or behavioral issue, while the Intervention entity is the resulting action requiring participation by the student.Â
- The StudentInterventionAssociation entity captures data related to the student's participation in the entity, such as the effectiveness or dosage.
- Interventions can be tied to a Cohort entity, but only through the StudentInterventionAssociation entity.
- Interventions may be one-time actions or recurring actions over time. The StudentInterventionAttendanceEvent can be used to capture the record of a student's participation in an intervention.
- Dosage in the model
- Prescribed time for an intervention is stored in Dosage elements. These may be a range of recommended time in minutes (e.g., MinDosage and MaxDosage in the Intervention and InterventionPrescription entities) or prescribed time in minutes for a particular student (e.g., Dosage in the StudentInterventionAssociation entity).
- Actual time spent in an intervention is captured via the InterventionDuration element on the StudentInterventionAttendanceEvent entity.
- EducationContent metadata may be linked to InterventionPrescription entities and/or Intervention entities. The EducationContent entity includes descriptive information about the content, and was derived from the metadata model for the Learning Resource Metadata Initiative (LRMI).Â
- Ed-Fi Unifying Data Model Handbook (v4.0)
- Ed-Fi Unifying Data Model UML Diagrams (Visio format, on GitHub)