Alternative and Supplemental Services Domain - Overview
Alternative and Supplemental Services Domain - Overview
- Eric Jansson
Owned by Eric Jansson
Aug 09, 2022
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Key Entities
This domain contains:
- A Program entity, which defines programs with services offered by an education organization.
- A StudentProgramAssociation entity, which links Program entities to participating students.
- A StaffProgramAssociation entity, which links Program entities to assigned staff.
- Subclasses for all major US K–12 federal program areas.
Key Concepts
The key concepts include the following:
- The Program entity covers a very wide range of offerings at educational institutions. The base model is designed to cover as many of these as possible, but specific subclasses (such as Food Service, CTE, or Special Education) are provided for the most common US federal K–12 program areas.
- Note that for Program entities tied to Section entities, attendance may be taken separately for the Program entity.
- There may be some overlap between student program associations and student demographic information. Details on how to decide where different data should be stored can be found in the Student Identification and Demographics Domain - Best Practices.
- Ed-Fi Unifying Data Model Handbook (v4.0)
- Ed-Fi Unifying Data Model UML Diagrams (Visio format, on GitHub)