Expected and Actual Section Attendance

Expected and Actual Section Attendance

Expected and Actual Section Attendance Use Cases

Report a student's expected total days in attendance for a section.

Expected Days in Attendance for a Section = Section → CourseOffering → Session.TotalInstructionalDays

WHERE Section = { Section for the attendance calculation }


  • The student is enrolled for the entire session associated with the section.

Report a student's actual attendance for a section.

Student Section Attendance = { Expected Days in Attendance for the Section (see above) } - COUNT ( StudentSectionAttendanceEvent.AttendanceEvent.EventDate )

WHERE StudentSectionAttendanceEvent.AttendanceEvent.AttendanceEventCategoryDescriptor IN { Absent categories (e.g., Excused Absence, Unexcused Absence) as defined by the implementation }

    AND StudentSectionAttendanceEvent.Student= { Student for the attendance calculation }

    AND StudentSectionAttendanceEvent.Section = { Section for the attendance calculation }


  • The student is enrolled in the section for the entire session.
  • Days are reported as whole numbers. If reported as partial days, StudentSectionAttendanceEvent → SectionAttendanceDuration or StudentSectionAttendanceEvent → AttendanceEvent → EventDuration may be used.

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