School Calendar Domain - Entities, References, and Descriptors
School Calendar Domain - Entities, References, and Descriptors
School Calendar Domain Descriptors
Entity | Name | Description | Usage Classification* | EDFacts Mapping* | Commonly Used* | Commonly State-Defined* |
Calendar | CalendarType | Indicates the type of Calendar. | Flexible | |||
GradeLevel | Indicates the GradeLevel associated with the Calendar. | Orthodox | ||||
CalendarDate | CalendarEvent | The type of scheduled or unscheduled event for the day. | Flexible | |||
GradingPeriod | GradingPeriod | The name of the period for which grades are reported. | Flexible | |||
Session | Term | An descriptor value indicating the term (e.g. 'Semester', 'Quarter', etc.). | Flexible |
* On these columns, please see the technical article Descriptor Guidance