Discipline Domain - Entities, References, and Descriptors
Discipline Domain - Entities, References, and Descriptors
Discipline Domain Descriptors
Entity | Name | Description | Usage Classification* | EDFacts Mapping* | Commonly Used* | Commonly State-Defined* |
DisciplineAction | Discipline | Type of action, such as removal from the classroom, used to discipline the student involved as a perpetrator in a discipline incident. | Local | Yes | Yes | |
DisciplineActionLengthDifferenceReason | Indicates the reason for the difference, if any, between the official and actual lengths of a student's disciplinary assignment. | Local | Yes | |||
DisciplineIncident | IncidentLocation | Identifies where the DisciplineIncident occurred and whether or not it occurred on school, for example: On school, Administrative offices area, Cafeteria area, Classroom, Hallway or stairs... | Orthodox | Yes | ||
ReporterDescription | Information on the type of individual who reported the DisciplineIncident. When known and/or if useful, use a more specific option code (e.g., "Counselor" rather than "Professional Staff"); for example: Student, Parent/guardian, Law enforcement officer, Nonschool personnel, Representative of visiting school... | Local | Yes | |||
Behavior | Describes behavior by category and provides a detailed description. | Local | Yes | |||
Weapon | Identifies the type of weapon used during an incident. The Federal Gun-Free Schools Act requires states to report the number of students expelled for bringing firearms to school by type of firearm. | Local | Yes | |||
DisciplineIncidentParticipationCode | The role or type of participation of a student in a discipline incident; for example: Victim, Perpetrator, Witness, Reporter. | Local | Yes | |||
StaffDisciplineIncidentAssociation | DisciplineIncidentParticipationCode | The role or type of participation of a student in a discipline incident (e.g., Victim, Perpetrator, Witness, Reporter). | Local | Yes | ||
StudentDisciplineIncidentAssociation | StudentParticipationCode | The role or type of participation of a student in a discipline incident; for example: Victim, Perpetrator, Witness, Reporter. | Local | Yes | ||
Behavior | Describes behavior by category and provides a detailed description. | Local | Yes |
* On these columns, please see the technical article Descriptor Guidance
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