Discipline Domain - Entities, References, and Descriptors

Entities, Extended References, and Descriptors


Discipline Domain Entities

DisciplineActionThis event entity represents actions taken by an education organization after a disruptive event that is recorded as a discipline incident.

This event entity represents an occurrence of an infraction ranging from a minor behavioral problem that disrupts the orderly functioning of a school or classroom (such as tardiness) to a criminal act that results in the involvement of a law enforcement official (such as robbery). A single event (e.g., a fight) is one incident regardless of how many perpetrators or victims are involved. Discipline incidents are events classified as warranting discipline action.

StaffDisciplineIncidentAssociationThis association indicates those staff who were victims, perpetrators, witnesses, and reporters for a discipline incident.
StudentDisciplineIncidentAssociationThis association indicates those students who were victims, perpetrators, witnesses, and reporters for a discipline incident.

Extended References

SchoolThis entity represents an educational organization that includes staff and students who participate in classes and educational activity groups.
StaffThis entity represents an individual who performs specified activities for any public or private education institution or agency that provides instructional and/or support services to students or staff at the early childhood level through high school completion. For example, this includes:
1. An "employee" who performs services under the direction of the employing institution or agency is compensated for such services by the employer and is eligible for employee benefits and wage or salary tax withholdings.
2. A "contractor" or "consultant" who performs services for an agreed upon fee or an employee of a management service contracted to work on site.
3. A "volunteer" who performs services on a voluntary and uncompensated basis.
4. An in-kind service provider.
5. An independent contractor or businessperson working at a school site.

This entity represents an individual for whom instruction, services, and/or care are provided in an early childhood, elementary, or secondary educational program under the jurisdiction of a school, education agency or other institution or program. A student is a person who has been enrolled in a school or other educational institution.

Discipline Domain Descriptors

EntityNameDescriptionUsage Classification*EDFacts Mapping*Commonly Used*Commonly State-Defined*
DisciplineActionDisciplineType of action, such as removal from the classroom, used to discipline the student involved as a perpetrator in a discipline incident.LocalYesYes
DisciplineActionLengthDifferenceReasonIndicates the reason for the difference, if any, between the official and actual lengths of a student's disciplinary assignment.Local
DisciplineIncidentIncidentLocationIdentifies where the DisciplineIncident occurred and whether or not it occurred on school, for example: On school, Administrative offices area, Cafeteria area, Classroom, Hallway or stairs...Orthodox
ReporterDescriptionInformation on the type of individual who reported the DisciplineIncident. When known and/or if useful, use a more specific option code (e.g., "Counselor" rather than "Professional Staff"); for example: Student, Parent/guardian, Law enforcement officer, Nonschool personnel, Representative of visiting school...Local
BehaviorDescribes behavior by category and provides a detailed description.Local
WeaponIdentifies the type of weapon used during an incident. The Federal Gun-Free Schools Act requires states to report the number of students expelled for bringing firearms to school by type of firearm.Local
DisciplineIncidentParticipationCodeThe role or type of participation of a student in a discipline incident; for example: Victim, Perpetrator, Witness, Reporter.Local
StaffDisciplineIncidentAssociationDisciplineIncidentParticipationCodeThe role or type of participation of a student in a discipline incident (e.g., Victim, Perpetrator, Witness, Reporter).Local
StudentDisciplineIncidentAssociationStudentParticipationCodeThe role or type of participation of a student in a discipline incident;
for example: Victim, Perpetrator, Witness, Reporter.
BehaviorDescribes behavior by category and provides a detailed description.Local

* On these columns, please see the technical article Descriptor Guidance