Discipline Domain - Overview

Key Entities

This domain contains:

  • A DisciplineIncident entity, which represents the actions or behaviors that constitute an “offense” in violation of laws, rules, policies, or norms of behavior. This entity is associated with the school where the incident occurred.
  • A StudentDisciplineIncidentAssociation entity, which links students to DisciplineIncident entities and indicates their role in that incident.
  • A StaffDisciplineIncidentAssociation entity, which links staff members to DisciplineIncident entities and indicates their role in that incident.
  • A DisciplineAction entity, which represents the punitive or other action taken against a student or students. 

Key Concepts

The key concepts include the following:

  • One or more discipline actions may be applied to one DisciplineIncident entity (e.g., suspension plus after-school study hall). Alternatively, one DisciplineAction entity could have multiple DisciplineIncident entities as an attribute to accomplish the same thing. 
  • When multiple students are involved in a discipline incident, the StudentParticipation entity indicates the role of the student in that incident (e.g., perpetrator, victim, witness). The Behaviors element is used when students have different levels of involvement, and therefore different offenses, for the same discipline incident (i.e., one might have used a knife in a fight against another who fought without a weapon).
  • The DisciplineIncidentExternalParticipant attributes may be used to document participants in a DisciplineIncident that are not staff members or students.
  • Take note of the various ways a school may be associated with a discipline action. Especially, keep in mind that a school responsible for a discipline action may not be the school to which a student is transferred for a disciplinary reason.