Descriptors in the Ed-Fi Data Standard are a set of mechanisms to support flexible enumerations or code tables. Each Descriptor has the following attributes:
- namespace
- codeValue
- shortDescription
- description
- effectiveBeginDate
- effectiveEndDate
The GET of a resource must return the namespace and codeValue for Descriptor enumerations. Other components of the Descriptor can be retrieved from the Descriptor resource.
The PUT or POST of a resource must specify the namespace and codeValue for each Descriptor value in a descriptor reference (described below).
URI Construction and HTTP Verb Usage for Ed-Fi Descriptors
Descriptors are also exposed as Resources of an Ed-Fi REST API and can be accessed and manipulated as follows:
Table 3. Accessing and Manipulating Descriptors
Resource | POST | GET | PUT | DELETE |
/[abc]Descriptors | Adds a new Descriptor | Gets all Descriptors for the subtype | Error | Error |
| | | | |
Descriptor References
References to a Descriptor value must be constructed in the following format:
uri://[namespace]/[name of descriptor]#[descriptor value]
For example, to refer to the academicSubject value in the Ed-Fi namespace ("") with a codeValue of “Chemistry,” the reference would be the following URI:
Values must be sent as-is and not be URI or otherwise encoded. For example, a descriptor whose codeValue has spaces must be sent thus:
uri:// Language Arts
and not as