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Bell Schedule - UDM v3.0
- Becky McKnight
- Eric Jansson
Owned by Becky McKnight
The Bell Schedule domain represents the start time and duration of one or more class periods in a day or over a course of days. A bell schedule represents a listing or register of regularly occurring events.
Key Entities
This domain contains:
- A BellSchedule entity, which defines the meeting times and dates for each logical class period.
- A ClassPeriod entity, which allows Sections and Bell Schedules to change independently.
- A Section entity, which is related to a ClassPeriod entity that represents the basic unit for scheduling a section.
Key Concepts
The key concepts include the following:
- The model accommodates a wide variety of bell schedules, including block schedules.
- A fully realized bell schedule will include the dates of all the class period meeting times for a particular school throughout a school year.
- A class period does not have to meet every day. Specific meeting days are defined in the Date element on the BellSchedule entity. This allows a school to have a bell schedule that is special for a specific day, such as for a testing day or a late-start day.
- A school may have multiple bell schedules defined and may have different bell schedules on the same calendar time period (e.g., for different grades).
- The BellSchedule entity connects to a Section entity through a ClassPeriod reference. For example, a Section might be assigned to a class period named Block A. The BellSchedule entity contains the information about what time Block A starts and ends on a given date.
Bell Schedule Data Overview
The following diagram uses data to illustrate the connections between the key entities in the Bell Schedule domain:
Model Reference
This section contains reference information for the Bell Schedule domain model.
Bell Schedule Model Entities
Name | Description |
BellSchedule | This entity represents the schedule of class period meeting times for a particular set of dates. |
ClassPeriod | This entity represents the designation of a regularly scheduled series of class meetings at designated times. |
EducationOrganization | This entity represents any public or private institution, organization, or agency that provides instructional or support services to students or staff at any level. |
School | This entity represents an educational organization that includes staff and students who participate in classes and educational activity groups. |
Section | This entity represents a setting in which organized instruction of course content is provided, in-person or otherwise, to one or more students for a given period of time. A course offering may be offered to more than one section. |
Session | A term in the school year, generally a unit of time into which courses are scheduled, instruction occurs and by which credits are awarded. Sessions may be interrupted by vacations or other events. |
Bell Schedule Model