A newer version of the Ed-Fi Data Standard is new available. See the Ed-Fi Technology Version Index for a link to the latest version.


Response Codes

REST APIs use HTTP response codes to communicate status information. An API consumer should be able to inspect the HTTP response code and understand the status of its request.

Required Response Codes

The following response codes must be used when responding to requests.

HTTP Response CodeNameReason(s)

Returned after a successful operation when a response contains a body.


Returned after a successful POST. The response from a POST will also include a location in the header pointing to the newly added resource. A POST response will not contain a body.

204No Content

Returned when the server has fulfilled the request, but does not return an entity body.

304Not Modified

Returned when the client includes the “If-None-Match” header containing the requested resource’s last known entity tag.


Bad Request

Returned if the request is malformed. The body of the response may contain a descriptive error message.



Returned if the access token is invalid. The response will not contain a body.



Returned when the server is refusing to fulfill a request in situations such as:

  • The requesting client is not authorized to execute the requested action on the requested resource
  • HTTP headers required for the operation were not present (e.g., Missing “If-Match” header on PATCH or DELETE)

Not Found

Returned if a resource is not found. The response will not contain a body.



Returned when there is any type of referential integrity violation.


Precondition Failed

Returned if an “If-Match” header pre-condition fails.


Internal Server Error

Returned if the server encountered an unexpected error during the operation.


If an error occurs on the server, a 500 (Internal Server Error) code must be returned. A message in the body, containing the error details, is optional.

For example:

“code”: 500, “type”: “Internal Server Error”, “message”: “Unable to communicate with database”