This version of the Ed-Fi Data Standard is no longer supported. See the Ed-Fi Technology Version Index for a link to the latest version.
What's New - Data Model Changes
Ian Christopher
Richard Heim [X] (Unlicensed)
Data Model Changes by Domain
This section describes changes made to the Ed-Fi Data Standard from v1.2 to v2.0, along with a rationale for the changes. Information and additional context for the changes can be found in the Ed-Fi Issue Tracker ( by viewing the associated issue number(s) in the "Change" column below.
This summary of important type and element changes is included here for reference. A more detailed list can be found in the Ed-Fi Data Standard v1.2 to v2.0 XSD Change Log.
Change | Rationale |
Lookup Types created as part of reference Types and identity Types paired to uniquely identifiable elements (DATASTD-523, DATASTD-598) | Better identification while preserving lookup capability |
Descriptor enhancements:
| Less ambiguity and stronger types |
Country and CountryCode converted to CountryDescriptor | Allows for flexibility and updating new values |
Annotations cleaned up correcting spelling, spacing, punctuation, and missing values (DATASTD-540, DATASTD-541, DATASTD-548, DATASTD-550, DATASTD-552, DATASTD-555, DATASTD-568) | Clarity, consistency |
IdentificationSystem attributes changed to elements that references Descriptor Types
| Added flexibility |
Assessment Domain
Change | Rationale |
Assessment.AssessmentItem reference moved to AssessmentItem | Allows for changes to an item without affecting the entire Assessment |
StudentAssessmentItem.StudentAssessment reference moved to StudentAssessment | Structural consistency |
Assessment.ObjectiveAssessment reference moved to ObjectiveAssessment | Structural consistency |
StudentObjectiveAssessment.StudentAssessment reference moved to StudentAssessment | Structural consistency |
Namespace element added to Assessment (optional), AssessmentFamily (required), LearningObjective (required), LearningStandard (required) (DATASTD-600, DATASTD-745) | Authorization and identification |
Renamed elements:
| Naming consistency |
Formerly optional elements now required:
| Uniqueness and Identification |
Added AssessmentReportingMethod to StudentAssessment.ScoreResult | Enhancement |
Bell Schedule Domain
Change | Rationale |
Renamed elements:
| Naming consistency |
BellSchedule.CalendarDateReference no longer unbounded | More precise definition of BellSchedule |
BellSchedule.GradeLevel no longer unbounded | More precise definition of BellSchedule |
BellSchedule.EducationOrganizationReference converted to a SchoolReference | More precise reference |
Section.LocationReference now required | Needed to uniquely identify the Section |
Section.SessionReference removed | Elements of SessionReference (Term, SchoolYear) already included in CourseOfferingReference |
Discipline Domain
Change | Rationale |
DisciplineAction.EducationalOrganizationReference to SchoolReference | More precise reference |
Renamed DisciplineIncident elements:
| Naming consistency |
DisciplineIncident.EducationalOrganizationReference to SchoolReference | More precise reference |
Education Organization Domain
Change | Rationale |
Added enumerations “AA”, “AE”, “AP”,”AS”, “FM”, “MH”, “MP”, “PW”, “VI” to Address.StateAbbreviation (DATASTD-514):
| CEDS alignment |
Added enumeration “None” to School.InternetAccess (DATASTD-576) | Enhancement |
Added fundamental new association: EducationOrganizationPeerAssociation | Enhancement |
Added new domain entity AccountabilityRating split out from individual Education Organization entities:
| Enhancement |
New Elements:
| Required for unique identification |
Moved School.ClassPeriodReference to ClassPeriod | Model normalization |
Moved School.LocationReference to Location (DATASTD-533) | Model normalization |
New ComplexType InternationalAddress added to:
| Enhancement |
Renamed element FeederSchoolAssociation.ReceivingSchoolReferent to SchoolReference (DATASTD-561):
| Naming consistency |
New School elements (DATASTD-628):
| CEDS alignment |
Enrollment Domain
Change | Rationale |
ClassOf renamed to ClassOfSchoolYear | More accurate name |
EducationalPlans renamed to EducationPlan | Naming consistency |
TermType changed to TermDescriptor (DATASTD-14) | Enhancement for greater flexibility |
Graduation Domain
Change | Rationale |
Elements added to GraduationPlan:
| Enhancement |
Elements added to GraduationPlan.CreditsByCourse:
| Enhancement |
Name Changes:
| Naming consistency |
Graduation.TotalCreditsRequired renamed to TotalRequiredCredits | Naming consistency |
PostSecondaryInstitution.EducationOrgIdentificationCode converted to PostSecondaryInstitutionIdentificationCode | More precise reference |
CreditsByCourse.CourseCode changed to CourseReference | More precise reference |
Intervention Domain
Change | Rationale |
Renamed Elements:
| Naming consistency |
Added InterventionIdentificationCode element to Intervention | Helps uniquely identify Intervention |
Intervention.EducationContentSource no longer unbounded | Helps uniquely identify Intervention |
EducationOrganizationReference added to InterventionPrescription | Helps uniquely identify InterventionPrescription |
InterventionPrescriptionIdentificationCode added to InterventionPrescription | Helps uniquely identify InterventionPrescription |
InterventionPrescription.EducationContentSource no longer unbounded | Helps uniquely identify InterventionPrescription |
EducationOrganizationReference added to InterventionStudy | Helps uniquely identify InterventionStudy |
InterventionStudyIdentificationCode added to InterventionStudy | Helps uniquely identify InterventionStudy |
InterventionStudy.EducationContentSource no longer unbounded | Helps uniquely identify InterventionStudy |
Namespace element added to EducationContent (required) (DATASTD-745) | Authorization and identification |
Program Domain
Change | Rationale |
StudentCTEProgramAssociation.CTEProgram now optional | Allows for extensions |
Renamed Elements:
| Naming Consistency |
EducationOrganizationReference was added to Program | Enhancement |
ProgramType was given a new enumeration value called Foreign Exchange (DATASTD-519) | Enhancement |
School Calendar Domain
Change | Rationale |
CalendarDateReference removed from AcademicWeek | Days already defined by BeginDate and EndDate |
SchoolReference added to AcademicWeek | Required to uniquely identify AcademicWeek (formerly EducationOrganizationReference part of CalendarDateReference) |
CalendarDate.EducationOrganizationReference now required | Helps to uniquely define CalendarDate entity |
CalendarDate.CalendarEvent changed from DiscriptorReferenceType to CalendarEvent common type with EventDuration (DATASTD-229) | Enhancement |
CalendarDateReference removed from GradingPeriod | Days already defined by BeginDate and EndDate |
SchoolReference added to GradingPeriod | Required to uniquely identify GradingPeriod (formerly EducationOrganizationReference part of CalendarDateReference) |
Special Education Domain
Change | Rationale |
RestraintEvent.EducationOrganizationReference converted to SchoolReference | More precise reference |
Staff Domain
Change | Rationale |
Renamed Associations:
| Naming consistency |
Renamed Elements:
| Naming consistency |
Staff.Citizenship.USCitizenshipIdentificationDocument.DocumentExpirationDate and Staff.Name.PersonalIdentificationDocument.DocumentExpirationDate type changed from xs:int to xs:date | Correction |
New Elements:
| Enhancements |
Length Change (DATASTD-546):
| CEDS alignment |
Staff.Race now unbounded | Enhancement for tracking multiple ethnicities |
Student Academic Record Domain
Change | Rationale |
Element name changes:
| Naming consistency |
Achievement-specific elements moved under Achievement common Type:
| Model enhancement to allow for reuse of Achievement Type |
StudentAcademicRecord.SessionReference replaced with SchoolYear, Term, and EducationOrganization references | Enhancement: defined session no longer required |
SchoolYear added to AcademicRecord | Enhancement |
Elements added to CourseTranscript:
| Enhancement |
Student Attendance Domain
Change | Rationale |
AttendanceEvent structure converted to common Type and new entities created:
| Individual entities added that extend AttendenceEvent functionality |
Student Identification and Demographics Domain
Change | Rationale |
Enumerations added to Parent and Student:
| Alignment with CEDS |
Name.GenerationCodeSuffixType changed length from 30 to 10 (DATASTD-546) | Alignment with CEDS |
InternationalAddress complex Type added to Student.Address and Parent.Address (DATASTD-537) | Allows for the recording of an international address where applicable |
Renamed Student elements:
| Naming consistency |
Added DisabilityDeterminationSourceType to Disability (DATASTD-627) | CEDS alignment |