PowerShell Installation using ZIP Archive (Data Import 1.2)

ZIP Installation

Download and save both ZIP files on the right. EdFi.DataImport.1.2.0.zip is a pre-compiled package for Data Import 1.2 installation, and EdFi.DataImport.Installation.1.2.0.zip contains the automated PowerShell installation scripts and its configuration.

The high-level installation steps are:

Details follow.


  • Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016 or higher with administrative privileges.
  • PowerShell 5.1 or higher.
  • Microsoft .NET 4.7.2 Runtime.
  • Internet Information Server 10.
    • Check/enable IIS features on Windows 10:
      • Use Run to open appwiz.cpl.
      • Select "Turn Windows features on or off".
      • Select "Internet Information Services" and ensure that the following features are enabled:
        • World Wide Web Services > Application Development Features: ASP.NET 4.7.
        • Web Management Tools > IIS Management Console & IIS Management Scripts and Tools.
    • Check/enable IIS features on Windows Server:
      • Run "Server Manager" and select "Manage > Add Roles and Features".
      • Navigate to "Server Roles", select "Web Server (IIS) and ensure that the following features are enabled:
        • Web Server (default options).
        • Management Tools: IIS Management Console & IIS Management Scripts and Tools.
      • Navigate to "Features", select ".NET Framework 4.7 Features" and ensure that the following features are installed:
        • .Net Framework 4.7.
        • ASP.NET 4.7.
  • Access to SQL Server 2012+ with permissions to create a new database for Data Import.

Upgrading From a Prior Data Import Release

To upgrade from a prior Data Import release, please execute the following steps:

  1. Make a backup of the Data Import database, for safety. The installer is capable of automatically upgrading the content of the existing database, so the uninstall/install process can use the same database.
  2. Make a backup of the Data Import web application "Web.config" and the Transform/Load application's "DataImport.Server.TransformLoad.exe.config" for any values you may have set here. Note especially your EncryptionKey value which will have the same values in both files.
  3. At the bottom of this page, run "Uninstall Instructions". This will remove configuration and source files for Data Import, however will not delete the existing database which can continue to be used with the new Data Import installation.
  4. Rename the "C:\Ed-Fi\Data Import" directory to "C:\Ed-Fi\Data Import-prior" and the "C:\Ed-Fi\DataImportInstallation" directory to "C:\Ed-Fi\DataImportInstallation-prior".
  5. Run through the installation instructions as seen below in the "New Installation of Data Import" section. While configuring, please ensure the existing database connection string and encryption key are used in this Data Import configuration.
  6. Verify any custom settings from your original backups of the config files are reapplied in your new config files, especially your EncryptionKey.
  7. Restart Internet Information Server and reload Data Import at https://<servername>:444/DataImport

New Installation of Data Import

Step 1. Create Data Import Directory

Create a directory to hold all of the Data Import source files. Our directory is on the following path: "C:\Ed-Fi\Data Import".

Step 2. Unzip Data Import Source Files

Unzip the contents of the Source ZIP into the folder created in Step 1.

Step 3. Unzip Data Import Installation Files

Unzip the contents of the Installation ZIP into any folder of your choice. We will unzip to this path: "C:\Ed-Fi\DataImportInstallation".

Step 4. Configure Installation

Open the "install-config.json" file. We will need to edit this file with our configuration details.

  1. Provide a random alphanumeric string for "encryptionKey".
  2. Set the "installationDirectory" to the path of the directory with the source files. Be sure to escape any special characters like slashes (For example, a path like "C:\Ed-Fi\Data Import" should be changed to "C:\\Ed-Fi\\Data Import").
  3. Configure database values. These are used to construct the connection string. We recommend going with the defaults already present in the file.
    1. "sqlServer" is the name of the database server.
    2. "name" is simply the name of the database that will be created on that server. We use "EdFi_DataImport" to follow the Ed-Fi database naming convention. When upgrading, specify the existing database name. For a fresh install, specify a new unique name, and the application will create it on first run.
    3. "trustedConnection" will either be "true" or "false".
      1. If you plan to use Windows authentication, this value will be "true" and you can leave "username" and "password" blank.
      2. If you plan to use SQL Server authentication, this value will be "false" and you must provide the "username" and "password".
  4. If you desire, you may customize the the IIS Application Pool context by providing Active Directory credentials. Otherwise, leave username and password empty for the default application pool identity. We recommend going with the defaults already present in the file.

This is an example of what a complete "install-config.json" file could look like:

    "application": {
        "encryptionKey": "xyly38j92"
    "web": {
        "installationDirectory": "C:\\Ed-Fi\\Data Import",
        "database": {
            "sqlServer": "(local)",
            "name": "EdFi_DataImport",
            "trustedConnection": "true",
            "username": "",
            "password": ""
        "iis": {
            "appPoolUserDomain": "",
            "appPoolUser": "",
            "appPoolPassword": "",
            "webApplicationName": "DataImport",
            "websitePort": 444

Step 5. Run the Installation via PowerShell

At this point your setup should look like this:

Ensure that you have permission to execute PowerShell scripts. For more information, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=135170.

Launch PowerShell as an administrator, cd to the directory containing the installation files, and run the "install.ps1" script.

The PowerShell output should look like the following:

Step 6. Confirm Installation in IIS Manager

Open IIS Manager, and confirm a Data Import app exists under the Ed-Fi site.

Step 7. Ensure SQL Server Login Exists

Beginning with Data Import 1.1.2, the installation process sets up an appropriate SQL Login for use with the dedicated Data Import Application Pool in IIS. You can verify this in SQL Server Management Studio:

If you are installing an older verison, or if you wish to set up your login differently, some basic guidance on how to set this up is explained in this blog post. You can choose either Windows authentication or SQL Server authentication here. If you choose SQL Server authentication, make sure that if you have "User must change password at next login" checked, you must connect to SSMS with those credentials to reset the password. Otherwise, the app pools won't be able to connect. Also on the Server Roles page, make sure that at least the "dbcreator" checkbox is checked, since Entity Framework will create the database when the application is launched. Once you have confirmed a proper SQL Server login exists, continue to the next step. 

Step 8. Launch the Application

In IIS Manager, click on the DataImport app and select Browse application to launch in the browser. The initial installation will take a minute since the database is being created. 

Proceed to instructions in the Configuration section.

Once you see the log in screen above, proceed with Configuration.

Installation Errors

If an error is encountered during installation, use the output from the PowerShell install command for information on the cause of the error. If you require support, please open a ticket on https://tracker.ed-fi.org/projects/EDFI and include this output.

Uninstall Instructions

Uninstall Step 1. Run the Uninstall Script via PowerShell

Launch PowerShell as an administrator, cd to the directory containing the installation files, and run the "uninstall.ps1" script. The PowerShell output should look like the following:

Uninstall Step 2. Clear Out Source File Directory

In the directory with the Data Import source files, delete all folders and files to be at a clean state. In our case, the directory was "C:\Ed-Fi\Data Import". This will make future installations easier.

Data Import Installation

The Data Import Download section contains the PowerShell installation files for Data Import 1.2:

Data Import Download