Add historical transcript records to SIS testing scenarios

Add historical transcript records to SIS testing scenarios


  • Ed-Fi transcript records must include any/all course records which would show up on a student’s graduation transcript, which generally occurs between grades 7th and 12th.

  • Other course work should also be included when available for aid in student transfer between districts.

  • The reference to a student’s graduation plan with appropriate graduation type must also included to better describe the student’s transcript data.


  • This scenario to create and update a StudentAcademic Record will be added to the list of SIS domain test scenarios required by certification. [system values are ok]

    • Scenario 4: Create a StudentAcademicRecord with Historical Transcript Data

      • Add a course record for a course from 5 years prior

        • Should be a course that appears on the student’s graduation transcript

      • Add graduation plan and graduation plan type

  • v4 Student Transcript > CourseTranscript Scenarios - Ed-Fi Certification - Ed-Fi TechDocs

    • Scenarios

      • Create a Course Transcript Record for Fall Semester of Current School Year for a student at Grand Bend High School.

      • Update the finalNumericGradeEarned on the high school Student's record.

      • Create a Course Transcript Record for Spring Semester from 5 years ago.


  • Graduation plans and student record transfers are becoming more common use cases. There is currently no requirement in SIS certification for these use cases which lead to variation and workarounds when gathering credit and course accumulation data.

  • Acknowledging that there are different types of graduation plans across geographies that require different levels of specificity, the goal of this recommendation is to demonstrate the capability to address a range of requirements and to allow for variation across areas.


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