Applying for an Ed-Fi Badge
Eric Jansson
Stephen Fuqua
Sean Casey
Application Elements
1. Application Form
The application includes basic information about the product and functionality seeking a badge.
2. Data Model Integration Information
This requirement only applies to the Ed-Fi API Consumer Badge and Ed-Fi ODS Platform Consumer Badge.
The product must supply a list of all Ed-Fi data elements that are part of the badge-related functionality. These elements must be employed within the badge product to produce some kind of output that is of value to product users and consistent with the core value provided by the product.
For the format, the mapping must
- be in a spreadsheet format
- in header information, state the version numbers of the Ed-Fi standards or products which apply to the data elements (e.g. "The data elements listed are for Ed-Fi Data Standard 3.1" If the product has multiple version support, it is permitted to default these to the most recent Ed-Fi version supported.
- for the Ed-Fi data elements, use the exact terms from either the Ed-Fi Data Handbook, the Ed-Fi API element name, or the Ed-Fi ODS database element name
3. Implementation Verification
The Alliance must receive at least one customer verification that the narrative (from the application form) is accurate and the integration is in use. This form must be submitted by an education agency that is a member of the Ed-Fi community. You can find the verification form here.
Review and Validation
When all application elements are complete, the Ed-Fi Alliance will reach out to schedule an online, synchronous inspection of the product functionality. The technology provider will be asked to share their screen and demonstrate the product functionality that is the basis for the badge.
When review and validation is complete, the badge will be awarded. Badges are good for 2 years.
In the event that it is unclear if a product qualifies or not for the badge, the Alliance will refer the decision to the Ed-Fi Governance Advisory Team (GAT). The Alliance reserves the right to provide any information from the badge application to the GAT in order to make this decision.