This version of the Ed-Fi Dashboards is no longer supported. See the Ed-Fi Technology Version Index for a link to the latest version.


Standards Mastery View Feature

Previous Version

This is a previous version of the Ed-Fi Dashboards. Visit the Ed-Fi Tech Docs home page for a link to the current version, or the Ed-Fi Technology Version Index for links to all versions. 

Overview of Learning Standards Mastery in Ed-Fi Dashboards

Two useful metrics support visualizations of learning standards mastery: Local Assessment Mastery and Standards Mastery. These metrics allow the user to view student achievement on local assessment benchmark tests that are developed at the district level and are tied to state educational standards. Both of these metrics contain granular metrics for Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies.

Local Assessment Mastery Metric

In the Student Academic Dashboard page, the Local Assessment Mastery section is located on the Local Assessments tab and shows results for each subject area tested during the current academic school year, including Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies.

The Local Assessment Mastery metric shows a student’s score on the most recent benchmark test in that subject area and whether or not it meets the student-level threshold of 70.0 percent correct.

For each subject area, the Metric Value represents the percentage of questions answered correctly on the most recent local assessment in the current academic school year. If the score is at or above the student-level threshold (70.0 percent) then the Metric Value indicator will be green; if below 70.0 percent then the indicator will be red.

The metric provides a drilldown graphic showing historical performance on a student’s prior benchmark tests, a feature that is useful in tracking a student’s progress over time. To access this drilldown, click on the More drop-down list and select Historical Chart.

Figure 1. Local Assessment Mastery

Standards Mastery Metric

In the Student Academic Dashboard, the Standards Mastery metric is located on the Local Assessments tab. This metric is also provided in four subject areas: Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies.

The Standards Mastery metric shows the percentage of current-year grade-level state standards that the student mastered on benchmark tests administered over the course of the current academic school year, out of the total number of standards tested.

Figure 2. Standards Mastery

“Mastery” of each learning standard is defined within each assessment and can be different from version to version of an assessment. Achieving “Meets Standard” or “Advanced” on the assessment qualifies as “Mastery.” Note that the calculation for determining whether each standard was mastered only looks at the most recent exam in which an individual standard was tested. This measurement is cumulative for the year in the sense that it looks at all assessments, but does not consider the cumulative times a standard was tested.

The numerator for this metric is the number of current grade-level standards mastered as of the last (most recent) test where that particular learning objective standard was tested.

The denominator for this metric is the number of all current grade-level standards tested at any point.

If the Standards Mastery metric is at or above the Student Goal (70.0 percent) then the Metric Value indicator will be green; if below 70.0 percent then the indicator will be red.

The Standards Mastery metric features a drilldown table that displays Domain and Standards Mastery by student grade-level. To access this drilldown, click on the “More” drop-down list and select “Standards Mastery.”

The Standards Mastery drilldown displays student mastery of subject area domains. In this example, “Reading Standards for Informational Texts” and “Reading Standards for Literature” are relevant for the ELA/Reading subject area in 2nd Grade (see Figure 3).

Figure 3. Drilldown Example

When the user selects the Standards Mastery drilldown, the table displays each of the subject area’s domains under the “Learning Standards” column. To the right of the Learning Standards column, the table displays the student’s grade levels in reverse chronological order, with the student’s current grade in the left-most column. In this example, the student mastered two out of four standards tested in their current grade level under the “Reading Standards for Informational Texts” domain.

Learning standards that do not have an objective assigned are grouped together under a blank header row as seen in Figure 3 above.

The Standards Mastery Drilldown also enables the user to dive more deeply into a student’s assessment history and determine the learning standards under each domain a student has mastered. Clicking on the + sign to the left of a domain will cause the drilldown display to expand and reveal current grade-level standards as shown in the expanded view in Figure 4. 

In this expanded view, the “Mastery of Standard” column shows the user whether the student mastered each standard under a domain, as determined by the most recent test on which that domain was tested. The table also displays the dates of each local assessment benchmark test and whether the student exhibited mastery for each domain on that testing date.

Figure 4. Drilldown Expanded View

The user can collapse the current grade-level by clicking on the - sign to the left of the grade and expand other grade-levels by clicking on the + sign to the left of the desired grade. In this manner, the drilldown allows the user to see how a student scored on current grade-level standards, as well as standards from previous grades or advanced grades that may have been tested.

Levels of Mastery Metrics

The Learning Mastery metrics and the Standards Mastery metrics are used to derive metrics for grouping at higher organization levels such as School, and School District.

School Level

At the School Level, the Standards Mastery by Core Subject Area metric is located on the Local Assessments tab. The metric shows the percentage of students at the school who mastered at least 70.0 percent of current grade-level standards tested for each of the four core subject areas (Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies).

Figure 5. School Level (Showing Drilldown Student List)

At the School Level, the default metric threshold which determines whether the metric is coded red or green is set at 70.0 percent of students exhibiting mastery. This level can be changed by the district or system administrator in the Goals section of the dashboard.

The metric features a student drilldown that can be accessed by clicking More. This drilldown provides a list of all students at the school who failed to reach the 70.0 percent threshold in that subject area.

District Level

At the District Level, the Standards Mastery by Core Subject Area metric is located on the Local Assessments tab. The metric shows the percentage of students in the district who mastered at least 70.0 percent of current grade-level standards tested for each of the four core subject areas (Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies).

Figure 6. District Level (Showing Drilldown School List)

At the District Level, the default metric threshold that determines whether the metric is coded red or green is set at 70.0 percent of students in the district exhibiting mastery. This level can be changed by the district or system administrator in the Goals section of the dashboard.

The metric features a School drilldown that can be accessed by clicking More. This drilldown provides a list of every school in the district where fewer than 70.0 percent of the student at the school mastered at least 70.0 percent of the current grade-level standards on which they were tested in the current school year.

Technical Overview

Creation of the Learning Standards metrics within the Ed-Fi dashboard has been accomplished by updating Core metrics and adding a new Core metric. These are listed below. Also listed below are the locations of all changes to the Core Base (both new additions to the code base and edited portions). Information is also provided about the records powering the drilldowns and the minimal data required to populate the Learning Standards metrics. This Technical Overview also provides a list of the tables that need to be populated with data in the ODS to produce the necessary metrics.

Updated Core Metrics

Core metrics that were used and modified include:

  • Student Level Local Assessments
    • Local Assessment Mastery - 73
      • ELA, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies – 74, 75, 76, 80
  • Student Level Standards Mastery
    • ELA Standards Mastery – 1230
      • ELA – 1232
    • Mathematics Standards Mastery – 1233
      • Mathematics – 1238
    • Science Standards Mastery – 1234
      • Science – 1240
    • Social Studies Standards Mastery – 1236
      • Social Studies – 1244
  • School Level Standards Mastery
    • Standards Mastery – 1253
      • ELA, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies – 1254, 1256, 1257, 1258

New Core Metrics

The following level of metrics had not previously existed and is newly created:

  • District Level Standards Mastery Metrics
    • Learning Standard Mastery by Core Subject Area – 2167
      • ELA / Reading, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies – 2168, 2169, 2170, 2171

Location of Additions to the Ed-Fi-Core Base

The following additions were added to the Ed-Fi Core Base:

  • Application/EdFi.Dashboards.Resources.Models/Student/Detail/
    • StudentMetricLearningStandardMetaDataModel.cs
    • StudentObjectiveGradeStandardModel.cs
  • Application/EdFi.Dashboards.Resources.Tests/
    • Student/Detail/
  • StudentMetricLearningStandardMetaDataServiceFixture.cs
  • StudentObjectiveGradeStandardServiceFixture.cs
  • Common/
  • FakeGradeLevelUtilitiesProvider.cs
  • Application/EdFi.Dashboards.Resources/
  • StudentSchool/Detail/
  • StudentMetricLearningStandardMetaDataService.cs
  • StudentObjectiveGradeStandardService.cs
  • Application/
  • WarehouseAvailabilityProviderResource.cs
  • Application/EdFi.Dashboards.Presentation.Core/
  • Areas/StudentSchool/
  • Controllers/Detail/LearningStandardsListController.cs
  • Views/Detail/LearningStandardsList/Get.cshtml
  • Models/Detail/LearningStandardsList/LearningStandardsList.cs
  • Content/
  • Scripts/
  • Application/LearningStandards.js
  • StyleSheets/
  • LearningStandardTable.css
  • LearningStandardTable.scss

Location of Edits to the Ed-Fi-Core Base

The following edits were made to the Ed-Fi-Core Base:

  • Application/EdFi.Dashboards.Data/t4Templates/POCOSObjects.cs
  • Application/EdFi.Dashboards.Resources/Utilities.cs
  • Application/EdFi.Dashboards.Presentation.Core/Content/StyleSheets/2-appearance.scss

Records Powering Drilldowns

The records necessary to power the drilldowns have been added in the metric.metricaction CSV file located in the Ed-Fi-Apps repository \Database\Data\Dashboard\DashboardTypes\DashboardExport.MetricAction.csv and are also in the metric.metricaction table for the Dashboard Data Store. These records have “Learning Standards” on the title. If the drilldowns are not needed for an implementation, these records can be removed from the MetricAction CSV before executing a new build.

The drilldown code is encapsulated into a jQuery plugin, located in the LearningStandards.js file. To use it, provide a <table> within which to populate the data, and call the plugin function:

<table id="learning-standards"></table>
        schema: {},
        data: [],
        render: function(value) { }

The render property is a callback function that allows for customized rendering of each cell marked as a "template."

See the next section for details on the data structure.

Dashboard Metric Data

The drilldown's data comprises two parts: a schema and metric data.


The schema represents the columns at the top of the drilldown table. The "Learning Standards" column is added automatically, so only the "gold" columns are represented here. Each schema key/value pair includes the tag of the column and the text to display:

    "mastery": "Mastery of Standard",
    "grade-3": "Grade 3"


For related columns (e.g., assessment dates attached to a grade), use the "colon" syntax to specify this relationship:

    "grade-3:assessment-1": "Jan 12, 2013",
    "grade-3:assessment-2": "Oct 29, 2012",
    "grade-3:assessment-3": "Sep 21, 2012"

Metric Data

The metric data is a hierarchical collection of rows, each containing a list of values (which match to the schema keys) and children.

    name: 'Grade 3',
    level: 1,
    tag: 'domain-2:grade-3',
    linktoheaders: 'grade-3:',
    values: {
        'mastery': { displayValue: 84, value: 84, type: 'text' }
    children: []

Each object has properties as follows:


The text shown in the UI.


The hierarchical level. Used for styling to enforce the hierarchical appearance.


A unique identifier for this row. Use the "colon" syntax to specify the hierarchy here as well (e.g. this object has a tag of grade-3, and belongs to the domain-2 object).


The tag for each header this row's visibility should be linked to. If this row is hidden, these columns should also be hidden. The tag comes from the schema. Note the extra colon at the end, which ensures only second-level columns are hidden.


Column values (again, matched via the “schema” object). Keys are used to match values to columns.


An array of additional objects representing this object's children.

When viewing a student, if the “Learning Standards” menu action is not present for a given metric; make sure you have configured the MetricAction table with the appropriate records.

Ed-Fi Data Standard

The minimal data required to populate the Learning Standards metrics are listed below.

InterchangeDomain EntityElement
Assessment MetadataAssessmentAssessmentTitle




















Ed-Fi ODS Data Tables

The following tables need to be populated with data in the ODS to produce the Learning Standards metrics.

Table Name

















