_ADMIN 2.0.0 Update - Go Live & Launch Day Checklist


This restricted page provides an overview of the steps leading up to site launch along with a checklist for some specific tasks. This is a living document – anyone who can see this page should feel free to add/edit directly.

2.0 Release Pages (Dev Protected)

  • What's New (2.0, replacement page): What's New (Old v.2.0.1)
  • New Installation Section (to organize the installation pages)
  • New Installation Page for Admin App v2.0.0 pages Admin App for Suite 3 v2.0.1
    • Link in final PowerShell package
    • Mention dual version support for v3.4 and v5.0.0
    • Mention district/year-specific modes, link to new detail pages
  • New Admin App Modes section
    • Year-Specific for prior AA versions
    • Year-Specific or District-Specific modes for v2.0.0 - how to register new instances, bulk registration, etc.
  • New Securing the Admin App section (both v2.0.0 specific and older versions)
    • Link existing Secure the Admin App page and retitle to "Securing the Admin App v1.x"
    • New "Securing the Admin App v2.0.0" page for registering new users, etc

Launch Plans

  • Reviews:
    • Jason
    • Lee
    • Ian
    • Chris
  • Release plans (JH to review/set stage; IC final review/get in place)
    • Copy What's New (Old v.2.0.1) into What's New
    • Unprotect Installation Page for Admin App v2.0.0
    • Unprotect Admin App Modes section and YS/DS pages
    • Uprotect Securing Admin App section and related pages
  • Double check links and flow above, download PowerShell package
  • Confirm sitemap. (JH, IC, CM)
  • Include on TechDocs home page (CM).