Version 4.4 supports the upcoming ODS/API 7.2 and Data Standard 5.1 releases and supports ODS/API 6.2 and 5.4 releases explicitly (formerly only supported implicitly, by selecting the prior minor release 6.1 or 5.3). Includes improved user error reporting for swifter diagnosis.
[METAED-1514] typos in metaed settings "API source directory" should be causing deploy to fail but are not
[METAED-1466] Display deployment failure message on error
[METAED-1466] Improve error messages
[METAED-1433] Make it easier to find data standard folders for MetaEd
This release supports version 5.0 final of the Ed-Fi Data Standard, and Ed-Fi ODS/API version 7.1. It drops support for obsolete Ed-Fi Data Standard and Ed-Fi ODS/API versions in alignment with the Ed-Fi Technical Suite Version Matrix.
Support for ODS/API 7.1 and DS 5.0 final.
Dropped support for all ODS/API and Data Standard versions no longer supported as of ODS/API 7.1 release date.
MetaEd Ids are now completely optional and duplicate checking has been removed.
Added warning that the ODS/API treats choice properties as optional even when annotated as required.
Update to ODS/API index generation in support of performance improvements in ODS/API 7.1.
Updates and Improvements in version 4.2.1
Release date:
This release updates version 5.0-pre.2 of the Ed-Fi Data Standard.
Update packaged version of 5.0-pre.2 of the Ed-Fi Data Standard to the final version.
This release provides for internal changes to MetaEd, including a shift to hosting on Azure Artifacts and a change to the internal plugin architecture.
Moved from MyGet npm package hosting to Azure Artifacts
Changed internal plugin architecture to be compatible with modern JavaScript bundlers for future performance improvements.
Updates and Improvements in version 4.0
Release date:
With this release, the MetaEd IDE moves from the now-retired Atom text editor to Visual Studio Code ("VS Code").
In addition to all of the work that went into moving to VS Code:
The HTML handbook includes a new property "JSON Element Name" that translates the MetaEd model name to the name that will be expressed in the API documents. Example below; the highlighted words show the reason for this update: the model property LanguageUse on entity Language becomes simply uses in the JSON schema / API model.
Removed the plugin generator: plugins are not widely used, and the code generator relied on an old set of JavaScript packages with known vulnerabilities. While those vulnerabilities do not appear to be a threat to MetaEd, we decided there was no value to keeping the code around.
Bug Fixes
[METAED-1350] - ApiModel DomainMetadata table comparison not using overlap-collapsed table name
[METAED-1330] - ApiModel.json does not include decimal max and min values
[METAED-1299] - ApiModel.json does not include integer max and min values
The MetaEd language defines support for MinValue and MaxValue on Decimal and Integer data types - but support for these was never built into MetaEd or the ODS/API code generation process. As of version 4.0.0, the MetaEd output will include these values. However, the ODS/API will not utilize the additional information until the 7.0 release later in the summer of 2023. If you have need for early access, please submit a Tracker ticket to request instructions on recompiling an older version of the ODS/API with these updates.
Updates & Improvements in 3.2.0
Release date:
This release supports version 4.0 of the Ed-Fi Data Standard, and Ed-Fi ODS/API version 6.1. We also upgrade many of the underlying package dependencies in this version, addressing some technical debt.
This version continues to run on Atom. The next planned release will be MetaEd 4.0.0 running on Visual Studio Code.
Updates & Improvements in 3.1.0
Release date:
This release corresponds with the release of the 4.0.0-a version of the Ed-Fi Data Standard and with Ed-Fi ODS/API 6.0, along with a few functional changes that impact any supported data standard.
Various tickets related to Data Standard 4.0.0-a and ODS/API 6.0, including several changes to how change query SQL scripts are generated. These changes only apply to the new data standard, not to older technology.
[METAED-1271] - SQL Server Support String Length > 4000
[METAED-1262] - Drop unnecessary plugins (MappingEDU, interchange, udm)
[METAED-1286] - Add SQL Information to the DS Handbook
[METAED-1267] - Support for Console Build Process on Linux
Updates & Improvements in 3.0.0
Release date:
The primary purpose of this release is to upgrade MetaEd for use with NodeJs 16. Previously, MetaEd required NodeJs 12. As of 30 April, 2022, that version will no longer be supported. By skipping over NodeJs 14, straight to version 16, this MetaEd release will be on a supported version of NodeJs until the end of April, 2024.
Along with this upgrade, many of the Node libraries / dependencies were brought up to date, thus eliminating a large source of tech debt and potential bugs.
Functional Changes
There are no functional changes to the MetaEd language, build and deploy process, extension authoring, etc. From a user perspective, the only change is to the NodeJs framework.
Updates & Improvements in 2.6.0
Release date:
The major improvements in 2.5.1 include:
Supports ODS / API 5.3.x and Data Standard 3.3.1-b. This version supports the latest (November 2021) release of the Ed-Fi Data Standard and Ed-Fi ODS / API.
License Agreement Acceptance Change. The MetaEd license agreement is now required to be accepted the first time MetaEd is run, instead of at download time from Tech Docs.
Modifications to support sub-classing of Common types. Support for sub-classing of Common types was in something of a "partially supported limbo"; this release corrects that and offers full support for this modeling pattern.
Change Detail
The following is a detailed list of changes in 2.6.0:
When targeting Data Standard 3.3b, the following warning will be displayed. This can be safely ignored.
warn: MetaEdId '3116' on Descriptor Property Term already exists on another entity. All MetaEdIds must be globally unique. C:\projects\metaed\node_modules\ed-fi-model-3.3b\Common\CohortYear.metaed (9:21)
warn: MetaEdId '3116' on Shared Decimal Property EarnedCredits already exists on another entity. All MetaEdIds must be globally unique. C:\projects\metaed\node_modules\ed-fi-model-3.3b\Common\PartialCourseTranscriptAwards.metaed (6:53)
Updates & Improvements in 2.5.1
Release date:
The major improvements in 2.5.1 include:
Supports ODS / API 5.2 and Data Standard 3.3.0-a. This version supports the latest (March 2021) release of the Ed-Fi Data Standard and Ed-Fi ODS / API.
Language Features Changes.
Use of "is weak" is now marked as deprecated; although it continues to support prior data standards, "is weak" will cause an error with Data Standard version 3.3.0-a or higher.
Similarly, the use of attributes on Descriptors is deprecated and will generate an error with Data Standard 3.3.0-a and higher.
The new "potentially logical" keywords indicate that a reference may have a logical rather that literal interpretation in a target technology.
Publishing Changes.
The Data Handbook will no longer display the XSD Datatype for a field.
No longer generating an InterchangeOrderMetadata.xml file, as the API Bulk Client Loader no longer relies on it for running bulk uploads into the ODS / API.
Change Detail
The following is a detailed list of changes in 2.5.1:
METAED-1147 — Update MetaEd IDE version selection components for a change in API release version
METAED-1144 — Default MetaEd to latest instead of Suite 2
Updates & Improvements in v2.2
Release date:
The major improvements in v2.2 include:
Supports ODS / API v3.4 and Data Standard v3.2b. This version supports the latest Data Standard and ODS / API releases.
Change Detail
The following is a detailed list of changes in v2.2:
METAED-763 — MetaEd Generates Extra Extension Table When Extending With Optional Common
METAED-948 — Required collections in MetaEd additions aren't reflected in the ApiModel-EXTENSION.json with correct cardinality
METAED-1101 — Deploy does not work correctly when targeting "C:"
METAED-1128 — Change Queries Deletes Fail for Derived Types in PostgreSQL
METAED-1102 — Consider having deploy list full paths for deployed files
ODS-3884 — Refactor Existing Change Queries MetaEd Plug-in for targeting specific database engines
ODS-3885 — Modify Change Queries MetaEd Plugins to Support SQL Server and PostgreSQL
ODS-4061 — Fix the case on the change query schema name
Updates & Improvements in v2.1.2
Release date:
MetaEd v2.1.2 is a bug fix release. It resolves an issue that prevented extension projects from deploying to ODS / API version 2.x.
Change Detail
The following is a detailed list of changes in v2.1.2:
METAED-1106 — Deploy incorrectly checks for extensions projects in 2.x versions
Updates & Improvements in v2.1.1
Release date:
MetaEd v2.1.1 is a bug fix release. It resolves an issue when targeting ODS / API v3.3 and Data Standard v3.2a that prevented extension projects from building in the ODS / API.
Change Detail
The following is a detailed list of changes in v2.1.1:
METAED-1105 — Revert and incorporate Ed-Fi-Model 3.2a to report project version 3.2.0
Updates & Improvements in v2.1.0
Release date:
The major improvements in v2.1 include:
Supports ODS / API v3.3 and Data Standard v3.2a. This version supports the latest Data Standard and ODS / API releases.
Adds Support for Deprecation. Modelers can now mark entities and properties as being deprecated and slated for removal in future model versions. Warnings notify users where extension projects rely on a deprecated entity or property. Deprecation is also surfaced in the Ed-Fi Handbook documentation.
Adds Common Subclasses. This allows modelers to subclass a Common in a manner similar to Association and Domain Entity subclasses, providing an alternative to Common Extensions.
Deprecated Uncommon Language Features. Extensions will get deprecation warnings when using uncommon language features slated for removal in a future version. Most extension projects will be unaffected.
Ready for Roadrunner. This version generates all files necessary for Project Roadrunner's PostgreSQL implementation.
Change Detail
The following is a detailed list of changes in v2.1:
METAED-621 — Create New Language Element to Subclass Core Common Types
METAED-1082 — Implement PostgreSQL name collapsing
METAED-966 — Revise Data Handbook to clearly distinguish the case when there are duplicate entity names
METAED-969 — Remove dash from "Ed-Fi" project name in MetaEd versions of Data Standard projects
METAED-989 — Have Data Handbook conform to UML datatypes and standardized bindings
METAED-994 — Ed-Fi HTML Handbook missing extension components
METAED-1004 — Introduce concept of deprecation in MetaEd DSL
METAED-1018 — Expand merge validation to include Domain Entities that are parents of conflicting Simple Types
Added New Namespace Reference. This new feature allows reuse of entity names across multiple extension projects. See the Namespace Reference documentation for more details.
Requires Node 12.5.0 or higher. Node 6.x was end-of-lifed in April 2019. Node 12.5.0 is the most current version, with long term support until April 2022.
Removed Implicit Merges. This improvement removes automatic key unification when column names match, which provides greater transparency to data modelers. See the MetaEd Cookbook entry Using Merge Directives for more information about key unification in MetaEd v2.0.
Added Standardized Plugin Configuration. This new feature for the IDE framework automatically loads configuration files, organizes the data, and notifies plugins. See the /wiki/spaces/BD/pages/23709276 for complete details.
Changed "With Context" to "Role Name". This language improvement changed With Context to Role Name to better represent the purpose of the keywords. The /wiki/spaces/METAED20/pages/23709882 section in the Getting Started guide has details about how to update old projects to reflect the new language specification.
Added Open Existing Project Support in the IDE. This improvement adds a new Open Existing Project menu option, which, not surprisingly, opens an existing project in MetaEd.
Change Detail
The following is a detailed list of changes from v1.0: