This page describes "alpha" quality code and processes. It is intended to provide an early look into the Project Roadrunner: PostgreSQL Support for the Ed-Fi ODS / API development process and elicit feedback. As such, full release functionality could end up differing substantially from the code described herein.
What's New
Summary of key enhancements with this release:
- Install as a dotnet tool
- Changed the execution syntax to use verbs (examples below)
- Now contains full Admin and Security databases
- Support for deploying Change Queries as a feature
- Support for deploying extensions
Installing Alpha 2
See readme for more details.
Install the pre-compiled version from binaries on MyGet using `dotnet tool` globall installation with `--version 1.0.0-*` for getting the latest pre-release version:
dotnet tool install -g EdFi.Db.Deploy --add-source --version 1.0.0-*
Alternately, you can get the source code from and checkout tag 1.0.0-alpha-2
New Deploy Verb
For detailed examples, run the tool with no arguments provided and view the output, or see the readme.
The command syntax has shifted to use a verb format to indicate what action to take. This paves the way for some future verbs. The key verb for deployment is `deploy`, which will run the DbUp-based migrations. There is also a new argument flag (`-d` or `--databaseType`) to indicate which database you wish to install (Admin, ODS, or Security). For example, assuming `dotnet tool install` was run as shown above, the following command will install the Admin database on Postgres:
EdFi.Db.Deploy deploy -d Admin -c "server=localhost;database=EdFi_Admin;username=…;password=…" -p PostgreSQL
Installing Change Queries
Change queries support is only for SQL Server at this time. Use argument `-f Changes` to install.
EdFi.Db.Deploy deploy -d ODS -c "server=localhost;database=EdFi_ODS;integrated security=sspi" -p SqlServer -f Changes
Installing Extensions
While RoadRunner will not officially support extensions, this tool will be incorporated into initdev in the near future and must be able to install extensions for SQL Server-based ODS implementations. Use argument `-x` to deploy extensions, providing a list of "supporting artifacts" directories.
$supportingArtifacts = @( "C:\Source\3.x\Ed-Fi-Ods-Implementation\Application\EdFi.Ods.Extensions.GrandBend\SupportingArtifacts\Database", "C:\Source\3.x\Ed-Fi-Ods-Implementation\Application\EdFi.Ods.Extensions.Sample\SupportingArtifacts\Database" ) EdFi.Db.Deploy deploy -d ODS -c "server=localhost;database=EdFi_ODS;integrated security=sspi" -p SqlServer -x $supportingArtifacts
Coming Soon
ODS/API changes to support authentication and authorization will be available in the next preview release, along with instructions on manually creating a Vendor key and secret in PostgreSQL.
Providing Feedback
Have feedback on this pre-release code? Three available channels:
- Slack #roadrunner is a good place for general Q&A and discussion.
- Drop a comment at the bottom of this page to share additional documentation notes.
- Found a bug? Please create a Bug Report in the ODS project.