This section contains several acronyms and abbreviations you'll see throughout Ed-Fi Alliance material.
API. Application Programming Interface. A general term that in the Ed-Fi context usually refers to the interface for the Ed-Fi ODS / API solution.
CEDS. The Common Education Data Standards initiative of the U.S. Department of Education.
CRDC. Civil Rights Data Collection.
CRUD. Create, Read, Update, Delete. The four common database operations.
ELL or EL. English Language Learner program.
FERPA. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
IEP. Individualized Educational Plan, regarding specialized instruction or services.
JSON. JavaScript Object Notation. The data exchange format used by the endpoints in the Ed-Fi ODS / API.
K–12. Kindergarten through 12th grade.
LEA. Local Education Agency. A school district. Sometimes a charter school or charter school network.
LEP. Limited English Proficiency.
MSMQ. Microsoft Message Queue.
OCR. Office of Civil Rights. Owner of mandatory data collections including the CRDC.
ODS. Operational Data Store. A general term in the world of information technology, but in the Ed-Fi context usually refers to the database from the Ed-Fi ODS / API solution.
SDK. Software Development Kit.
SIS. Student information system. An operational system that contains detailed information about the academic life of a student.
SPED. Special Education Program.
U.S. DoE. or DoE. The U.S. Department of Education.