- Ben Meyers
- Britto Augusting
- Jill Aurnad
- John Raub
- Jon Hickham
- Michael Discenza
- Scott Gutowski
- Shrerod Keen
- John Raub
- Tarun Verma
- NWEA rep for Greg Petras (sorry I failed to capture the name!)
- Eric Jansson
- Chris Moffatt
- Sayee S
- Ed-Fi Events API review
Follow-ups from Technical Congress: unfinished business needing more attention
1. Data Quality (Britto's session); what are next steps or how does this long-term vision continue moving forward
2. Certification; what are we going to do to support domain specific vendors, SEAs not implementing all end points, Private school vendors with small footprint......but still uphold the integrity of certification
3. Creation of V3 Ed-Fi/SEA/SIS working group
4. /studentEducationOrganizationAssociation; consideration of additional properties for V3
5. Plans for Finance and Assessment work teams
- Ed-Fi Technical Advisory Group - May 2018.pptx
- Ed-Fi Events API.pptx Captures information on the event API design. TAG member review requested and to be discussed in June.
- Validation API.PPTX Technical Congress slides from the session on the SIG on Data Quality. TAG members input welcome on the Level 2 design and requirements.