This course comes after the deployment of the Ed-Fi platform and encompasses everything a LEA technical FTE needs to know to push an initial payload of data to their Ed-Fi API. This course will also introduce the idea of a Jupyter Notebook as a method of exploring an Ed-Fi API and have the student utilize one to verify that data has landed in their ODS.
By the end of this course, Academy students will be able to:
Comfortably move between their SIS's Ed-Fi module, Ed-Fi's public Swagger, and the Ed-Fi SIS certification requirements drawing connections between each one
Create vendors and applications in the Admin App as a means of generating Ed-Fi API credentials for their SIS
Map their descriptors in the SIS (if applicable)
Push data to their /schools endpoint
Run an API call in a Jupyter Notebook to confirm data is in their ODS
Learning Objectives
The learning objectives for this course are:
Understand how API endpoints relate to each other through associations and reference
Understand descriptor mapping, the various approaches, and be able to identify which one is right for them
Comfortably push data from their SIS to their Ed-Fi API and verify it has arrived