- Ed-Fi Events API review
Follow-ups from Technical Congress: unfinished business needing more attention
1. Data Quality (Britto's session); what are next steps or how does this long-term vision continue moving forward
2. Certification; what are we going to do to support domain specific vendors, SEAs not implementing all end points, Private school vendors with small footprint......but still uphold the integrity of certification
3. Creation of V3 Ed-Fi/SEA/SIS working group
4. /studentEducationOrganizationAssociation; consideration of additional properties for V3
5. Plans for Finance and Assessment work teams
The Events API was briefly discussed butTAG discussion will occur next month.
Item 1: Data Quality actions from SIG and Technical Congress
The actions to take following the Technical Congress discussion of a Level 2 "validations API" was discussed, which could route errors back through a vendor system, rather than through a separate agency portal (see slides on Validation API below). The TAG members at the session reported widespread agreement on this as a good idea, including by vendors in attendance there. The plan is for the Alliance assisted by the TAG to move forward with design, and when we have such an overview to see if any agency is interested in leading an implementation. If not, it can be prioritized in the Alliance roadmap.
We also noted that we need to re-open the question of Level 1 validations support.
Item 2: Certification. The pros/cons from the Technical Congress were discussed (see materials linked to 2018 Technical Congress). On the core risk of dis-aggregating the SIS certification, the possibility of restricting the dis-aggregated certifications (e.g. just a SPED certification) to vendors who can demonstrate that they are actively doing business in such a fashion was brought up. I.e. a SIS system can't request a SPED certification unless the vendor can demonstrate that it is being actively used in the real work as just a SPED system.
Post meeting/via email: another suggestion was to have an Ed-Fi "Basic" certification that supports basic roster/student info compliance and basic data interchange. This could assist with rostering and aid in efficiency there.
- Ed-Fi Technical Advisory Group - May 2018.pptx
- Ed-Fi Events API.pptx Captures information on the event API design. TAG member review requested and to be discussed in June.
- Validation API.PPTX Technical Congress slides from the session on the SIG on Data Quality. TAG members input welcome on the Level 2 design and requirements.