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This section provides a summary overview of the major improvements, updates, enhancements, fixes, and changes made in v1.4. The Release Notes section of this documentation has a complete list of changes.

New Dashboard Features

A few new features were added to the latest version of the Ed-Fi Dashboards. This section provides a summary of the enhancements.

Dashboard Usage Module

The latest release of the Ed-Fi Dashboards includes a Dashboard Usage Module built with the Dashboards Plugin Architecture. The Usage Module allows users at all levels of an education organization to view meaningful reports about how the dashboards are being used, and by whom. A view of the interface follows:

See the Dashboard Usage Module technical article for feature and implementation details.

Enhancements to the Plugin Architecture

The Plugin Architecture of the Ed-Fi Dashboards was enhanced in v1.4. Improvements were made to reduce the amount of work implementers are required to do when updating to new versions of the dashboard. Several bug fixes were incorporated to increase reliability and improve performance. A summary of the enhancements follows. See the Plugin Architecture - v1.4 Enhancements (Code Snippets) documentation for more details. 

Action Filters

Enables the creation of a Plugin Context class that can be populated on each request and shared by all of the modules in the plugin.

EdFiControllerFactory Area Registration

Makes both non-area Area and area Area controllers available when an areaArea-based request is made, as well as ordering the plugin, apps, and core controllers correctly.

Embedded Image Provider

Makes images embedded in the plugin embedded images available at the URL @Url.Content("~/PluginContent/Your.Plugin.Name/Images/your-image.png").

Embedded Resource Provider

Supports plugins' ability to include scripts and style sheets as embedded resources. The embedded style sheets and scripts will be automatically included in the site layout page.

Metric Template

Allows plugins to create new, and override existing, and create new, metric templates.

Multiple Security Hierarchies

Allows plugins to create alternate security hierarchies.

Plugin Area Registration

Enables the ability for Allows plugins to create new ASP.NET MVC Areas.

Plugin Configuration-Specific Registration

Allows the plugin to provide configuration-specific IOC registration installers (e.g., for Debug, Release) specific IOC registration installers.

Plugin Extensions

Allows plugins to have extension assemblies in the same way that Core Dashboard Assemblies may be extended.

Plugin Security

Enables plugins to create their own Claim types, and use them to authorize Service calls.

Registration Assembly Scanning

Enables plugins to register Domain Metric Controllers.

RTF Result

Allows plugins to export data in Rich Text Format.

 User User Entry Providers

Enables custom Home Pages for particular user types to be defined in a plugin.

See the Plugin Architecture - v1.4 Enhancements (Code Snippets) documentation for more details.

Technical Improvements and Enhancements

In addition to the new dashboard features listed above, the latest version of the Ed-Fi Dashboard distribution includes a number of technical enhancements, including:

  • Fixing a bug that prevented Export All functionality from working properly at the district/LEA level (DASH-914).
  • Adding the ability for developers to extend the previous/next button for lists other than students, teachers, and schools (DASH-712).
  • Refactoring to support the ability for developers to extend the LevelCrumb service in accordance with SOLID design principles (DASH-700).

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_What's New - Sidebar
_What's New - Sidebar