Itzel Torres (Deactivated) | Primary Actors: Use Case and metrics designed primarily for these roles. - Director of Student Services
- School Principal and assistant principal
- School psychologist/diagnostician (counselor)
Secondary actors: Use case and metric views not necessarily designed for these people, but we believe they will have an interest and use these metrics. - Instructional Coach
- School board - aggregate level view
- Resource officers - aggregate level view
- SPED director
Top 3 metrics we will aim to work with for the MVP. - Number/Percentage of incidents by type/code and demographic (district/school roll up)
- Incidents by location, date, action taken by a student (with demographics)
- Students with multiple incidents (by severity: major and minor)
Use Case Updates: - Data required elements are now listed with their Ed-Fi names, so it should be easier for tech group members to work with.
- Incident Severity does not exist in the Ed-Fi model.
- Field implementations have come up with some solutions to this; the group will review how the field has tackled this and make some suggestions.
- Group will submit model update suggestions based on this analysis.
- Student counts for each rollup will need to be calculated. Business rules and calculations will need to be worked on with the tech team members.