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  • Discussion Points:

    • Disability Alignment: The data schema is , as a starting resource, has core values more aligned with disability rather than section 504, and the Section 504. The Data Standards Team is currently checking the mapping to ensure accuracy.

    • Data Standards: Concerns were raised about the use of character values instead of values in the data schema being characters rather than numeric codes, which is not in line with normal Ed-Fi data standards .Feedback and Coordination: Feedback will be provided to the team, and efforts will be coordinated to address these issuespractices. This feedback will be considered by the Data Standard team to coordinate efforts for improvement.

    • State and District Practices: Various states and districts shared their practices for tracking and merging student IDs, highlighting the importance of maintaining accurate records for data reconciliation

      • One participant mentioned the struggle with transferring records between Local Education Agencies (LEAs) and the importance of meaningful value transfers.

      • Another participant shared that their state has a separate Student ID System that keeps track of older Student IDs for data matching, but this information is not within the Ed-Fi system.

      • Another state tracks retired IDs separately from active ones and ensures no student has more than one ID within the current year.

      • Some states correct IDs within the current year.

    • Challenges and Solutions:

      • Merging IDs: One participant highlighted that assessment vendors would like to see if IDs are merged, while another expressed concerns about vendors pulling the wrong ID.

      • Faulty IDs: It was pointed out that sometimes different students use the wrong ID, leading to multiple students with the same ID. Another participant emphasized the importance of vendors realizing they are using a retired ID.

      • Identity API: There was a discussion about whether the functionality should be part of the Ed-Fi Identity API. Some participants supported this idea, but it was noted that not everyone has the Identity API deployed.

      • Side Conversations: It was mentioned that a side conversation would be held to create a solution rather than a one-size-fits-all approach.

Discipline Related Topics

  • EdOrgId instead of SchoolId in DisciplineIncident Entity:

    • There were mixed opinions on replacing Request: There was a request to replace SchoolId with EdOrgId in the DisciplineIncident Entity. Some participants expressed concerns about the impact on reporting and the need for granularity at the school level

    • Opinions:

      • Some participants saw the potential usefulness of this change.

      • Others opposed the change, stating it would break their reporting and that granularity at the school level is needed for state reporting.

      • It was suggested to hear specific use cases to understand the impact better.

      • There were questions about how incidents are created at the LEA level and whether each parent school would have its own incident.

  • Making StudentDisciplineIncidentBehaviorAssociation a required collection:

    • General Consensus: There was a general consensus on strong support for making this collection mandatory to ensure proper association of actions and behaviors. Participants

    • Vendor Enforcement: It was emphasized the importance of enforcing vendors to send this data upstream.

    • Behavioral Associations: There was a discussion on handling multiple behavioral associations, with some participants suggesting that once the old resource is gone, the new one should be required.

    • Responsibility School: There was agreement that the responsibility school should also be required.

Replace StudentSectionAssociation with Student and Section references in various attendance event entities:

  • Postponed: The decision on

    this topic

    replacing StudentSectionAssociation with Student and Section references in StudentSectionAttendanceEvent, StudentSchoolAttendanceEvent, StudentProgramAttendanceEvent, and StudentInterventionAttendanceEvent was postponed to the next meeting.

Next Meeting

  • Topics to cover: Reconsidering the association references in multiple Attendance Event Entities, Career and Technical Education, National School Lunch Program