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This documentation provides a step-by-step guide to generating default reports generate reports for the following use cases using the starter kit base image.When you log in to the VM, you should see a Reports folder on the desktop. Inside that folder are five pre-generated Excel report files covering the following use cases: 

1. SEA Starter Kit - Membership = Student Count in NE Use Case

RuleMembership Use Case for K-12

Every kid is who is enrolled in a school district at least half time will be counted at school, rolled up to a district and to the state level.  No duplication at school, district and state level.  Should be counted only once per school/per district/per state. 

  • SQL Logic - Use Student School Association, see if the student is enrolled on Oct 1st and if their FTE > 50% and the (exit date is null or the exit date is after Oct 1st), then count them for membership

Scenario 1 - Student enrolled in 2 Schools in the same district. Student A is enrolled in School A and School B

1.Look for the maximum FTE in a School and the student is counted in that School.

2.If the student is 50% in School A and B, then NE randomly assigns the student to a School A.  They assign the student to School Id = min (SchoolId) meaning old school gets the student.  District has the full ability to control the FTE in one school to be 51% and the other to be 49%.


Scenario 2 - Student is enrolled in two schools but in two different districts

1.If both the districts report the student as 50%, neither district can count the student

2.One district should have more than 50% and that district counts the student.

RuleMembership Use Case for PreK 

FTE does not play a role here.  FTE can be of any value.  The logic does not take FTE into consideration


Scenario 1 - Student is enrolled in a school

Student is counted if the student is enrolled on or before Oct 1st and the exit date is null or after Oct 1st.  


Scenario 2 - Student is enrolled in multiple schools in the same district 

Student will be counted twice.  Duplication is permitted.  Since FTE is not taken into consideration the student can be in two different schools


Scenario 4 - Student is enrolled in two schools in two different districts

Student will be counted twice.  Duplication is permitted.  Since FTE is not taken into consideration the student can be counted by two different districts

5Duplication allowed at the school level/district level and at the state level counts
6No mandatory attendance for these students

Quick Start Guide - User Journey for Introductions to APIs
0.  A high level blurb at beginning should exist explaining the steps that they are going to do, with the scenarios and the data they are going to POST.  This will allow them to make a note of the records they posted.  
  1.  User runs the Ed-Fi ODS/API application and authorizes

2. StudentSchoolAssociation Posts  (the names are fictitious)- 

John Smith, Kelly Logan, Jennifer Hart getting enrolled in a school within a district.  Choose different schools and its districts.  John is going to be enrolled in one school only.  Kelly will be enrolled in two schools with different FTEs.  Jennifer will be enrolled in one school but entry date will be beyond Oct 1st.   

a.  Do a GET on schools to show that the school exists

b.  Do a POST for John Smith.  Make sure the Entry Date is within Oct 1st of the current year.  Make sure his FTE is 1.0

c.  Do a POST for Kelly Logan.  Make sure the Entry Date is within OCT 1st of the current year.  Make sure her FTE is 0.51

c.  Do a POST for Kelly Logan.  Make sure the entry date is within OCT 1st of the current year.  Make sure her FTE is 0.49 

d.  Do a POST for Jennifer Hart.  Make sure the entry date is beyond Oct 1st of the current year.  Make sure her FTE is 1.0

Below are the reports generated for this use case


2. SEA Starter Kit - Special Education Student Count Use Case

Special Education

Special Education services are specially designed instruction, at no cost to the parent, to meet the unique needs of a child with a verified disability. School districts must ensure that all children with verified disabilities, from birth to age 21, have available to them a free appropriate public education which includes special education and related services to meet their unique needs.
The Special Education report displays the percent of students, ages 5-21 as of October 1st, who are receiving special education services divided by the number of all students in grades K-12 as reported in Fall membership.
Part B School Age - The report titled Special Education - Part B School Age includes students with a verified disability, ages 6 to 21. These students are reported under 13 primary disability categories and across 8 setting categories.
Part B Preschool - The report titled Special Education – Part B Preschool includes children with a verified disability, ages 3 to 5. These children are reported under 13 primary disability categories and across 9 setting categories.
Part C Infant/Toddler - The report titled Special Education – Infant/Toddler includes infants and toddlers with a verified disability, ages birth to 3.
Early Intervention services are: designed to meet the developmental needs of each eligible child and the needs of the family related to enhancing the child’s development; selected in collaboration with the parents; provided under public supervision by qualified personnel; in conformity with an individualized family service plan and at no cost to the family; required to meet the standards of the state.
Infants and toddlers with disabilities are reported under 13 primary disability categories and across 3 setting categories

Logic for calculating the Special Education Student Count - 

  1.  Count the number of students in StudentSpecialEducationProgramAssociation
  2.  Check to see if there is an enrollment record in StudentSchoolAssociation.  If so, see if the enrollment is on or before Oct 1st and if the exit date is null or the exit date is after Oct 1st.  
  3.  Check the FTE percentage in that school (Need confirmation - the FTE should be > 50%; not sure if the FTE is taken into consideration if the student has only one enrollment)
RuleMembership Use Case for K-12

Special Education Student should be receiving special education services or should be in SPED in ONLY ONE district.  Business validations will throw an error if a student is receiving special education services from two districts.  


NE captures StudentSpecialProgramAssociation information at the district level.  Other states could be receiving at the school level.  


Student is enrolled in two schools in the same district 

Use the same logic stated above except check to see which school has the higher FTE percentage.  The student should be counted in that school.  No duplication at the school level or at the district level. 


Student is enrolled in two schools in two different districts

One district reports the SPED, hence the student should be reported by only one district.  No duplication at the school level or at the district level.  The student cannot be an active SPED student in two different districts.   

Below are the reports generated for this use case
