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This documentation provides you a step-by-step process of guide to generating default reports using the starter kit base image.

Initially when When you login log in to the VM, you can should see Reports folder on the desktop. Inside the that folder , there are five pre-generated excel Excel report files for covering the following use cases:

1. SEA Starter Kit - Membership = Student Count in NE Use Case


  • Special Education Report By Age (SpecialEducationByAgeReport.xlsx)
  • Special Education Report By Disability (SpecialEducationPrimaryDisabilityReport.xlsx)
  • Special Education Report By Special Education Setting (SpecialEducationSettingReport.xlsx)


The reports are basically generated using the student data available in the EdFi_Ods_2022 database. Below The stored procedures shown below are used to insert data to into report tables in the database.

  1. reporting.LoadStudentFallMembership - inserts data into reporting.StudentFallMembership table.
  2. reporting.LoadSpedChildCount - inserts data into reporting.SpecialEducationChildCount table.

You can find the database tables and stored procedures by following the below steps:

Step 1. Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio as Administrator using Windows search box with "ssms" keyword.

Step 2. With  Using Windows Authentication selected, click Connect.

Step 3. After connection, you will see EdFi_Admin, EdFi_Security and EdFi_Ods database for school year 2021 in the Object explorer.

Step 4. Under  Expand the EdFi_Ods_2022 database , you can to find the report reporting tables under reporting schema.

Step 5. You can also find  Run the stored procedures, also found under reporting schema, to populate the reporting tables. 

Generate Reports

There are separate SQL scripts to generate each report once we have data in Now that the reporting tables by running have been populated using the above stored procedures mentioned. you can use the provided SQL scripts to generate each report.  These SQL scripts can be found under C:\Ed-Fi-Starter-Kit\ReportGenerationScripts folder.

Whenever there is an update in the student data, we can generate updated reports can be generated by running the PowerShell script report.ps1 located under in the same folder. The script performs all the task tasks required to generate these reports by from executing the above stored procedures which inserts to insert data into report tables, executes the reporting tables as well as executing all the SQL scripts present found in C:\Ed-Fi-Starter-Kit\ReportGenerationScripts folder and . Additionally, it updates the XLSX files inside Reports folder in on the desktop. You can follow below steps Follow the steps below to run the PowerShell script.

Step 1. Open Windows PowerShell as Administrator using Windows search box with "powershell" keyword.

Step 2. Run the command below command in powershell PowerShell to navigate to the ReportGenerationScripts folder

Code Block
cd C:\Ed-Fi-Starter-Kit\ReportGenerationScripts

Step 3. Run below  Then run the following command in powershell PowerShell to generate the updated reports
