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titleIn Progress


suresh.cherrolu Chris Moffatt (Deactivated) 



Use Case Community Survey submitted to GAT for review and publishing.

Due date


Itzel Torres 


The RVWG charter requires that 1-2 priority use cases, the group is sugesting that a survey is sent ou to the community to gather additional use cases and a better understanding of the most pressing ones the community would like to see addressed.

Survey Preview

titleRequired Login

Note: To leave a comment directly on the Survey Monkey questions you must have a SurveyMonkey login. You can create a free account If you do not wish to create an account, a word document with the survey screen shots is available below.

View file
nameRVWG Community Use Case Survey.docx


Survey QuestionNotesOutcome
What is your role: "District-Level Coordinator". "District Technology Staff". "Assistant Principal", "Counselor".Fixed edits and added a new counselor option.
Are you an Ed-Fi Dashboard User?Loop when selecting No loops the two questions.

Fixed loop issue.

Only one answer can be selected.

Questions for Dashboard Users

Dashboard Users:

What do you wish you knew about your students that would help you help them succeed- for example to improve classroom performance, retention, graduation rates, behavior?

What if we split this into two questions.
3. What is currently the most useful information you have?

4. What information do you not have that would be useful?

What improvements to the Ed-Fi Dashboard would you most like to see?Editing Note: Should there be an (s) on Dashboards? 
Did you customize them to your needs? What challenges did you face? 

What if we made it three questions?
5a. Did you customize the Ed-Fi Dashboards?
5b. What challenges did you solve?
5c. What challenges were not solved?

In an ideal world, how would you envision customizing the next dashboard solution(s) to your needs? Question 4 and 6 seem pretty similar. What about "How would you find it most useful to get your student information?"

Action items
