- Maureen Wentworth will follow-up with Tulsa on what extensions are being considered in the finance domain.
- Eric Jansson will ask Dean and Ted about visualization vs. analytics.
- GAT members need to request Ed-Fi SSO login to access Governance space on TechDocs.
- GAT organizing charter and provide any feedback. GAT members should review the
- A request was made to create (and maintain) an inventory of assessment projects and initiatives across the Ed-Fi Community. Chris Moffatt (Deactivated) is cordinating the initial draft.
- GAT needs to review work group charters for the AWG and FWG. This is likely towards the end of the year
- A decision is needed on when work group charters become final – either as drafted with revision process in place or not until six months after introduction with time for input and revisions or??
- Future GAT topics: How do we make progress on data push out from customizable systems?
(Additional context: Many systems in K12 are highly customizable, and this makes it difficult for vendors to comply to a data exchange standard since doing so now involves working around localized business logic. For their part, agencies want data served up and managed so as to reflect their processes, but this means that “certification” does not result in “plug and play.” Certification starts to look misleading, since it can’t account for local customization. - The proposal on decomposition of certification will be resumed at the next GAT meeting, to provide more guidance and direction on next steps on the proposal.
- Request was made for future GAT discussion on visualization and dashboard disposition.
- GAT members to be polled to determine best monthly GAT meeting date and time.