- Maureen Wentworth will follow-up with Tulsa on what extensions are being considered in the finance domain.
- Eric Jansson will ask Dean and Ted about visualization vs. analytics.
- GAT members need to request Ed-Fi SSO login to access Governance space on TechDocs.
- GAT members should review the GAT organizing charter and provide any feedback.
- A request was made to create (and maintain) an inventory of assessment projects and inititatives across the Ed-Fi Community.
- GAT needs to review work group charters for the AWG and FWG. This is likely towards the end of the year
- A decision is needed on when work group charters become final – either as drafted with revision process in place or not until six months after introduction with time for input and revisions or??
- Future GAT topics: How do we make progress on data push out from customizable systems?
- The proposal on decomposition of certification will be resumed at the next GAT meeting, to provide more guidance and direction on next steps on the proposal.
- Request was made for future GAT discussion on visualization and dashboard disposition.
- GAT members to be polled to determine best monthly GAT meeting date and time.