Meeting Minutes - Draft
The meeting was held via WebEx from 10:00 - 11:30 am CT.
- Chris Moffatt (Deactivated)
- Satish Pattisapu
- Stephen Fedore
- Tim Casey (Unlicensed)
- Mark Racine
- Troy Wheeler (Deactivated)
- Jami O'Toole (Deactivated)
- Maureen Wentworth
Community Work Group Updates
For Finance Work Group there Maureen reviewed FWG progress.
- There may be requests for changes to this domain as needed for ESSA. The school year being targeted for ESSA compliance is SY19-20.
- By Dec. 2018, Arizona needs to have a plan on what they want to publish from a finance and accountability aspect. This is a good example of the tension there may be for a work group around problem and solution and lining up with Ed-Fi timelines.
- The polling process will allow discovery of the sense of urgency and timeline concerns on a more comprehensive scale.
Eric reviewed AWG progress.
- A charter has been drafted that includes overall goals and initial focus areas.
- He confirmed that the Ed-Fi work stream around today’s assessment API is being run parallel to the AWG and by the summit there should be a proposal on recommended revisions.
Discussion on TAG proposal: “Decomposition of Certification”