A newer version of the Ed-Fi ODS / API is now available. See the Ed-Fi Technology Version Index for a link to the latest version.
Year-Specific ODS Configuration
Ian Christopher (Deactivated)
Vinaya Mayya
Some implementations find it useful to add a school year in the API root, for example, as part of a partitioning strategy or to distinguish data associated with previous years from data for the current year. In the Ed-Fi ODS / API, the presence of the school year value in the API root is configurable, and off by default.
When enabled, the base URI follows /{api_area}/{version}/{year} pattern. See API Routes for details.
How to Enable
The ODS / API can be configured for year-specific configuration through the following steps:
- Update ApiSettings:Mode key in the appsettings.json of the EdFi.Ods.WebApi project to:
Initialize development environment for year-specific configuration using the initdev command as outlined in the Getting Started Guide.
As an example: from a PowerShell prompt, navigate to the Ed-Fi-ODS-Implementation folder and run the Initialize-PowershellForDevelopment.ps script, followed by the initdev command passing InstallType and OdsTokens parameters. OdsTokens is a semicolon-separated list of school years:
initdev -InstallType YearSpecific -OdsTokens '2020;2021'
- The same parameters noted above can be used with the deployment script packaged with EdFi.Suite3.RestApi.Databases NuGet for non-development environments. See Getting Started - Binary Installation Steps for details.
See the Extensibility & Customization section for information on using year-specific configuration as a facet of a partitioning strategy.
Developers' Guide Contents
Find out more about how to develop platforms based on the Ed-Fi ODS / API v5.3: