- Phase 1 - Capture Ownership on Newly Created Entities
- Add support for ownership-based claims information
- Create EdFi_Admin EF migrations to support ownership-based security model:
- Create OwnershipToken entity/table with OwnershipTokenId (short) as the primary key, and a Description (string with maxlength of 50).
- Add optional OwnershipTokenId foreign key reference to the ApiClient entity/table.
- Create the ApiClientOwnershipToken entity/table with ApiClientOwnershipTokenId (int IDENTITY), with foreign key references to OwnershipTokenId (short) and ApiClientId (int).
- Create EdFi_Admin EF migrations to enhance the AccessTokenIsValid stored procedure to support ownership-based claims
- Stored procedure must also return the OwnershipTokenId associated with the API client (for "stamping" newly created resources)
- Stored procedure must also return the collection of the API client's current OwnershipTokens (for authorizing access to existing resources)
- Enhance OAuthTokenValidator class to populate the ownership-based claims into the ApiClientDetails class
- Add OwnershipTokenId to the ApiClientDetails class and populate.
- Add OwnershipTokens collection to the ApiClientDetails class, and populate from stored procedure results.
- Create EdFi_Admin EF migrations to support ownership-based security model:
- Add ODS support for capturing resource ownership
- Create a script for adding boilerplate ownership column to each aggregate root table
- TODO: MetaEd feature toggle ala "Change Queries"
- Initialize owner upon entity creation
- Define an IHasOwner interface exposing a single property CreatedByOwnershipTokenId
- Create an ICreateEntity decorator to assign the CreatedByOwnershipTokenId upon entity creation.
- Cast the entity to IHasOwner and assign the ownership token value from the API key context (OwnershipTokenId) before creation.
- Modify generated assets to conditionally support ownership
- Modify generated entities - Check the feature toggle and add an implementation of the IHasOwner interface on to the aggregate root entities
- Modify ORM mappings - Check the feature toggle and add a mapping for the CreatedByOwnershipTokenId property/column.
- NOTE: No need to modify the entity mappers.
- Add support for ownership-based claims information
- Phase 2 - Authorize Access Based on Ownership