Non-Normative Descriptor Classifications

Non-Normative Descriptor Classifications

Descriptors have been provided a non-normative classification to help provide adopters with useful info on how different descriptors are typically treated in data exchanges based.

There are four non-normative classifications: StandardOrthodoxFlexible, and Local.








The community usage is generally  highly standardized (but not perfectly standardized), sometimes due to strong standards like EDFacts reporting. There is reason to believe that with sufficient governance a set of values that can work for a large majority of use cases is possible.



The community is mostly standardized, but exceptions and localization are not infrequent. Ed-Fi's sample descriptor values will include a list that mirrors the standardization seen in the community.



The community is somewhat standardized, or there is one or more common, broadly-adopted vernacular classifications around the concept. Local usage may be completely at odds with the vernacular, and that is to be expected in some cases. Ed-Fi's sample descriptor values will generally include a "starter" set of values that mirror the most common vernacular.



The option set values are highly localized in nearly all cases. Ed-Fi's sample values will generally only illustrate possible values, or not provide any Ed-Fi defined values at all.


Most Commonly-Used Descriptors

There are over 160 descriptors in the core Ed-Fi data model and many more in domains under development or proposed for introduction into the core model. Not all of them will be relevant to your organization's use of Ed-Fi.

Generally, the descriptors that matter most to your organization initially will be those involved in data exchanges between systems. That list will generally depend on the APIs your organization is using.

A good first list to pay attention to are the descriptors that are required in an Ed-Fi API certification, as these must be implemented by compliant systems. By API, those descriptors are:





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