Ed-Fi Roster Sample Application - Change Queries

Use this guide to download and run the Ed-Fi Roster Application using test data available from the public deployment of the Ed-Fi ODS / API Suite 3 v5.2.0.

Be sure to go through the Ed-Fi Roster Sample Application Setup Guide before going through this page.

Run the Application

Once you have extracted and compiled the solution.

    • Click on Run and Debug

    • Select the "ChangeQueries" project

    • Press the Green Arrow, the F5 Key or Click on Run → Start Debugging

    • Alternatively, this can be run from the terminal with
              dotnet run --project src/EdFi.Roster.ChangeQueries

    This will leave the server running in this terminal. To stop the server and go back to the terminal hit Ctrl-C.


    When the solution is running correctly, the following messages will appear in the terminal:

    Browse to https://localhost:5001, and the home page will load.

Explore the Sample Application


Add the desired ODS / API URL, and a valid Key and Secret:

This sample application performs reads and writes against the target ODS installation, and persists synchronized data from that ODS into a local demo database to demonstrate Change Queries. This sample application is intended for use against sample data in a sample ODS, and is not intended for use against a "Production" installation. The application suggests using the public demo ODS, though you could point at another non-Production installation as well. If you use the public demo URL, you can use the following values for the Key and Secret:

Key: RvcohKz9zHI4
Secret: E1iEFusaNf81xzCxwHfbolkC

In Production scenarios with real-world data, be sure to protect your Key and Secret just as you would any critical username and password.

Now, the Ed-Fi Roster Sample Application is ready to use. 

An overview of the available information pages in the Sample Application:

  • Ed-Fi API Settings. Page that enables the configuration of the url, key and secret of the API that this example application will interact with.
  • Change Queries. Do an initial sync operation of all the available data.
  • Full Roster. Pull all the roster information available via the Ed-Fi Enrollment Composite and shows the calls that were used.
  • LEAs. Shows local education agencies that are currently saved in the app and has button to retrieve a new set of local education agencies from the configured Ed-Fi API.
  • Schools. Shows schools that are currently saved in the app and has button to retrieve a new set of local education agencies from the configured Ed-Fi API.
  • Staff. Shows schools that are currently saved in the app and has button to retrieve a new set of local education agencies from the configured Ed-Fi API.
  • Students. Shows students that are currently saved in the app and has button to retrieve a new set of local education agencies from the configured Ed-Fi API.
  • Sections. Shows sections that are currently saved in the app and has button to retrieve a new set of local education agencies from the configured Ed-Fi API.
  • API Logs. This shows a log of API transactions.


The steps described above and the application itself has been tested in:

  • Windows 10
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Ubuntu 20


Do not use this sample application "as-is" with real student data. You will need to implement best-practice security measures before using the application in a production setting.

Next Steps

Make it your own

Now that you have explored some of the capabilities of using the Ed-Fi API to pull roster information, use this as a starting point to integrate roster capabilities in your education technology platform.