Ed-Fi Roster Sample Application Setup Guide

Ed-Fi Roster Sample Application Setup Guide

Full source code for the Roster Starter Kit is available on GitHub as denoted on the right. Below, this guide will show how to work with the source code from this application.


 Install prerequisites via chocolatey
choco install vscode git dotnetcore-sdk -y


To get the RSK source code, clone or download the repository https://github.com/Ed-Fi-Alliance-OSS/Roster-Starter-Kit-for-Vendors.

Local Configuration

Step 1. Open the project folder in VS Code.

 How to open a folder in VS Code

Option 1: Right-click on the folder and click Open with Code

Option 2: From VS Code, click on File → Open Folder...

Step 2. After opening, a popup will appear.

Click on Install. This will add the C# compiler to VS Code.

Wait for the installation to finish. If you continue while the installation is in process, the following steps could have a different behavior than the one shown in this guide.

Step 3. Open the integrated terminal:

Step 4. Run the ./build.ps1 command.

Or run manually with:

dotnet build src

Step 5. Wait for the build to finish.

Step 6. Since the Roster Starter Kit runs in https, we need to add a test certificate to run locally, this can be done by running:

          dotnet dev-certs https --trust

Then, a warning will appear to check if you trust the certificate. Click Yes.

Alternatively, you can skip this step and click on continue when the warning appears.


Step 7. Now, you can run the solution.

Run the Solution

  • Click on Run and Debug

  • Select the "Enrollment" project

  • Press the Green Arrow, the F5 Key or Click on Run → Start Debugging

  • Alternatively, this can be run from the terminal with
          dotnet run --project src/EdFi.Roster.Explorer

This will leave the server running in this terminal. To stop the server and go back to the terminal hit ctrl-c.

  • Select the "ChangeQueries" project

  • Press the Green Arrow, the F5 Key or Click on Run → Start Debugging

  • Alternatively, this can be run from the terminal with
          dotnet run --project src/EdFi.Roster.ChangeQueries

This will leave the server running in this terminal. To stop the server and go back to the terminal hit ctrl-c.


When the solution is running correctly, the following messages will appear in the terminal:

Browse to https://localhost:5001, and the home page will load.



Add the desired ODS / API URL, and a valid Key and Secret.

This sample application performs reads and writes against the target ODS installation, and persists synchronized data from that ODS into a local demo database to demonstrate Change Queries. This sample application is intended for use against sample data in a sample ODS, and is not intended for use against a "Production" installation. The application suggests using the public demo ODS, though you could point at another non-Production installation as well. If you use the public demo URL, you can use the following values for the Key and Secret:

Key: RvcohKz9zHI4
Secret: E1iEFusaNf81xzCxwHfbolkC

In Production scenarios with real-world data, be sure to protect your Key and Secret just as you would any critical username and password.

The Roster Starter Kit is now ready to use. 


The steps described above and the application itself have been tested in:

  • Windows 10
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Ubuntu 20

Roster C# Application

Source code for the Ed-Fi Roster C# Application is available below on GitHub: