How To: Extend the Ed-Fi Identities API
Vinaya Mayya
Stephen Fuqua
The Ed-Fi Identities API provides an optional standardized interface for integrating with a native identity system. As with any abstraction, there may be a need to extend it in the context of a specific implementation. This document provides a reference implementation for extending the data elements supported by the Identity API.
The sample code defines a custom identity service by creating custom request and response models, a service interface, a service implementation, and a controller. There are 5 main sections in the reference example, described below.
Plugin Module
The “plugin” module registers CustomIdentityService if the identity management feature is enabled and registers the custom identity service as a singleton.
Note the implementation of the IPluginModule interface. This is a “marker” interface makes the “plugin” discoverable at startup by the API’s built-in plugin support, resulting in the automatic invocation of the registration logic to register the necessary components in the Autofac container. No additional code changes are required to integrate this code from a separate assembly – it just needs to either be referenced by the “WebApi” project or discoverable in the configured Plugin folder at runtime.
public class CustomIdentityServiceModule : ConditionalModule, IPluginModule { public CustomIdentityServiceModule(ApiSettings apiSettings) : base(apiSettings, nameof(CustomIdentityServiceModule)) { } public override bool IsSelected() => IsFeatureEnabled(ApiFeature.IdentityManagement); public override void ApplyConfigurationSpecificRegistrations(ContainerBuilder builder) { builder.RegisterType<CustomIdentityService>() .AsImplementedInterfaces() .SingleInstance(); } }
Custom Models
This section of the sample defines request and response models for the API that extend the out-of-the-box models with some additional properties:
public class CustomSearchRequest : IdentitySearchRequest { public bool CreateUICOnNoMatch { get; set; } public string SchoolFacilityEntityid { get; set; } public string OperatingDistrictEntityid { get; set; } public string LocalIdentifier { get; set; } } public class CustomCreateRequest : IdentityCreateRequest { public string ReasonForRequest { get; set; } public string SchoolFacilityEntityid { get; set; } public string OperatingDistrictEntityid { get; set; } public string LocalIdentifier { get; set; } } public class CustomIdentityResponse : IdentityResponse { public string FavoriteColor { get; set; } } public class CustomSearchResponse : IdentitySearchResponse<CustomIdentityResponse> { // No additions, and technically not required }
Service Interface
This interface extends the generic identity service interface definitions, closing the generic types with the previously defined custom models.
public interface IIdentityServiceWithCustomModels : IIdentityService<CustomCreateRequest, CustomSearchRequest, CustomSearchResponse, CustomIdentityResponse>, IIdentityServiceAsync<CustomSearchRequest, CustomSearchResponse, CustomIdentityResponse> { }
This controller class derives from the abstract base identities controller, closing the generic types with the previously defined custom models. This allows the controller to be discovered and registered by http://ASP.NET.
public class CustomIdentitiesController : IdentitiesControllerBase<CustomCreateRequest, CustomSearchRequest, CustomSearchResponse, CustomIdentityResponse> { public CustomIdentitiesController( IIdentityService<CustomCreateRequest, CustomSearchRequest, CustomSearchResponse, CustomIdentityResponse> identitySubsystem, IIdentityServiceAsync<CustomSearchRequest, CustomSearchResponse, CustomIdentityResponse> identitySubsystemAsync) : base(identitySubsystem, identitySubsystemAsync) { } }
Service Implementation
Provides the custom integration logic for the external identity system by implementing the custom service interface defined above (which closes all the generic model types using the custom models defined earlier).
The sample code is too long to show inline (see the full example source code file, attached), but the basic structure of this class is as follows:
public class CustomIdentityService : IIdentityServiceWithCustomModels { public IdentityServiceCapabilities IdentityServiceCapabilities { get; } = IdentityServiceCapabilities.Create | IdentityServiceCapabilities.Results; public Task<IdentityResponseStatus<string>> Create(CustomCreateRequest createRequest) { ... } Task<IdentityResponseStatus<CustomSearchResponse>> IIdentityService<CustomCreateRequest, CustomSearchRequest, CustomSearchResponse, CustomIdentityResponse>. Find(params string[] findRequest) { ... } Task<IdentityResponseStatus<string>> IIdentityServiceAsync<CustomSearchRequest, CustomSearchResponse, CustomIdentityResponse>. Search(params CustomSearchRequest[] searchRequest) { ... } public Task<IdentityResponseStatus<CustomSearchResponse>> Response(string requestToken) { ... } Task<IdentityResponseStatus<string>> IIdentityServiceAsync<CustomSearchRequest, CustomSearchResponse, CustomIdentityResponse>. Find(params string[] findRequest) { ... } Task<IdentityResponseStatus<CustomSearchResponse>> IIdentityService<CustomCreateRequest, CustomSearchRequest, CustomSearchResponse, CustomIdentityResponse>. Search(params CustomSearchRequest[] searchRequest) { ... } }
The following GitHub link contains code sample for extending Identities API: