Binary Releases

A newer version of the Ed-Fi ODS / API is now available. See the Ed-Fi Technology Version Index for a link to the latest version.

Binary Releases

The Ed-Fi Alliance publishes a set of .NET binaries and databases with each ODS / API release. These binaries can be used to deploy a non-extended version of the Ed-Fi ODS / API that has the as-shipped database model. The binaries are useful for system integrators and others wanting to deploy a "core-data-model-only" ODS / API quickly and easily. See Getting Started - Binary Installation for details.

The following binaries are published to the Ed-Fi AzureFeed. We recommend you to stay current with the latest patch update that has been promoted to release. The "Patch Updates" column here will be tagged with latest patch date when there is a patch release:




Patch Updates
EdFi.Ods.SwaggerUIBinary for ODS / API Swagger Online documentation

EdFi.ODS.AdminApp.WebBinary for Admin AppEdFi.Suite3.ODS.AdminApp.Web 2.2.1

Binary for Sandbox Admin App

EdFi.Suite3.Ods.SandboxAdmin 5.2


Binary for ODS REST APIs

EdFi.Suite3.Ods.WebApi 5.2



Binary for ODS / API SDK

EdFi.Suite3.OdsApi.Sdk 5.2

EdFi.RestApi.DatabasesBinary for ODS / API database scriptsEdFi.Suite3.RestApi.Databases 5.2
EdFi.Ods.Populated.TemplateSQL Server Populated Template database backupEdFi.Suite3.Ods.Populated.Template 5.2
EdFi.Ods.Minimal.TemplateSQL Server Minimal Template database backup (contains ed-fi core descriptors)EdFi.Suite3.Ods.Minimal.Template 5.2
EdFi.Ods.Populated.Template.PostgreSQLPstgreSQL Populated Template database backupEdFi.Suite3.Ods.Populated.Template.PostgreSQL 5.2
EdFi.Ods.Minimal.Template.PostgreSQLPstgreSQL Minimal Template database backup (contains ed-fi core descriptors)EdFi.Suite3.Ods.Minimal.Template.PostgreSQL 5.2
EdFi.Ods.CodeGen.ConsoleBinary for Code GenerationEdFi.Suite3.Ods.CodeGen 5.2
EdFi.Ods.Extensions.TPDMTPDM Extension PluginEdFi.Suite3.Ods.Extensions.TPDM.1.0.0 5.2

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