How To: Load the ODS Using Sample XML Data

This version of the Ed-Fi ODS / API is no longer supported. See the Ed-Fi Technology Version Index for a link to the latest version.


How To: Load the ODS Using Sample XML Data

This article describes the steps needed to populate an Ed-Fi ODS with sample XML data, using the Ed-Fi Console Bulk Loader.

The steps can be summarized as:

Detail on each step follows.

Step 1. Build the Ed-Fi Console Bulk Loader

  • Ensure that you have an instance of the Ed-Fi ODS / API running locally that has been set up following the Getting Started - Installation Steps.
  • The Bulk Load Console project is built as part of the overall solution. You can verify that the console application (EdFi.Ods.BulkLoad.Console.exe) has been built by browsing to  <source directory>\Ed-Fi-ODS-Implementation\Application\EdFi.Ods.BulkLoad.Console\bin\Debug.

Step 2. Download Scripts and Sample Data

  • Download the "Bulk Console Loader Script" (to the right) to a local folder (we recommend C:\Ed-Fi-SampleDataLoad). The file contains scripts to initiate the Bulk Console Loader and a copy of the Manifest file used by the console loader.

  • Navigate to the downloaded file directory for "Bulk Console Loader Script" and download the Sample XML and Descriptors to Sample Data folder (C:\Ed-Fi-SampleDataLoad\Sample Data).

Step 3. Run the Load Script and Populate the EdFi_ODS_Empty Database

  • From a PowerShell session, navigate to the downloaded file directory for "Bulk Console Loader Script" (i.e., C:\Ed-Fi-SampleDataLoad).
  • Execute LoadEmptyDatabaseWithSampleData.ps1.
  • The script will reset your EdFi-Ods-Empty and load all sample data in one script run. 

    If your local copy of EdFi.Ods.BulkLoad.Console is in a different location than the root of the drive, you can modify the LoadEmptyDatabaseWithSampleData.ps1 script to adjust.

    The script contains a parameter that defines the local path to the Ed-Fi-ODS-Implementation repository. This is set by default to "C:\Ed-Fi-ODS-Implementation" but can be changed to be appropriate for your environment.

Step 4. Provision the EdFi_ODS_Populated_Template Database

  • Back up the EdFi_ODS_Empty database.
  • Restore the backup you just made with the name EdFi_ODS_Populated_Template.
  • Create a Sandbox using the Ed-Fi ODS / API Admin Console.
  • Use the database created as the source of data for loading dashboards and other activities.

The following GitHub link contains a PowerShell script and console bulk loader manifest files to assist with loading an Ed-Fi ODS / API datastore using sample XML data.

Bulk Console Loader Script

The following GitHub links contain the sample XML files and the as-shipped Ed-Fi Descriptor XML.

Sample XML

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